Respect !

I know, I know, you are probably sick and tired of another report of me on another Spanish beach.
But on this occasion, yesterday, from a distance, a lone French woman, who gets herself out of her car into a wheel chair, beckons to me for assistance.
I go over to her and she asks if I can wheel her through the sand close to the waters edge.
I do so.
She then says "I'm fine from here"
She thanks me and as I walk away she gets herself out of the wheelchair unaided and proceeds to sunbath.
After an hour or so, in the heat, she decides to go for a swim.
She roles herself into the water and goes for a swim.
After a long dip she then half crawls and half roles herself back to her wheelchair.
I learn later that she is camping out the back of her estate car.
This morning, she motions again to me for some assistance. We repeat the exercise and she, thanks me yet again.

It stripes away any excuses we have for getting out there and doing things.

I find the independence of this woman very inspiring. Respect!

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