71° north

While working I get to travel all over Norway, and this time the destination was set for Mehamn, roughly 50km east of Nordkapp(North cape). This is about as fas north one can go by car on mainland.

Luckily it's summer right now. I can't even imagine how wild it's here during winter. Most of the people living here are the Sami people hearding their reindeer, fishermen and some tourists. I came here by plane and caught some interesting pictures.

This is on the way up to Mehamn. It's not the most interesting of photos but a nice one to start the post with imo.


This view was amazing, I've never seen anything like it. I couldn't really tell where the horizon was as the fog melted everything together making it look like floating islands in the sky. It's regrettable the engine from the Dash 8 plane was covering most of it though.

It was pretty grim weather the first two days..

When you get this far north, it's like reaching the end of a map in a videogame. No loaded textures.

Some before and after images, two days apart. You can see how fast the snow is melting when the sun comes out.


Us workers are living in these "cabins" called Rorbu. They are placed by the sea for easy access for the fishermen. They are from a time when fishermen had open boats without on-board cabins to sleep in, and are still in use today by tourists and fishermen with smaller boats called Sjark.

A small comfy town, Mehamn. In the foreground you see some Sjark boats.

View from worksite


Siesta on the ATV

One day walking down a mountain after work, we met locals, some reindeer going up to graze.

We have sunday off, and some guys decided we should go and take a look at the northernmost lighthouse(on mainland) in the world, as it is a once in a lifetime experience. So I'm going to share that in the next post.

Thanks for taking a look! I'm still learning how to use the platform. Perhaps my posts are too long? Too many pictures? Tell me what you think, I appreciate feedback. If you have suggestions or questions don't hesitate to comment!

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