From Forest Floor to Mountain Top ~ My Ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro

As any hiker knows, it is not just capturing the peak, it is every step of the journey that takes us there that makes what we do both exhilarating and worth the sacrifice.

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The unique opportunity to revel in the lush beauty of an African rainforest was only ultimately eclipsed by mounting the summit itself. It is safe to say, however, both Kilimanjaro and the wilderness it rises from has cast a long shadow upon my heart.




Although the summit of Kilimanjaro is a snow covered plateau encrusted by glacial ice fields, the journey begins in the rain forest of Kilimanjaro National Park. Opting for one of Africa's most popular hiking routes, my journey to the summit began along the "Whiskey" route, otherwise known as the Machame route




Not the least of the fauna that can be observed is the sensational Blue Monkey. Rarely venturing from its treetop home to forage on the ground, I was lucky enough to capture a great picture of this wonderful primate as he strolled along the edge of the forest.

This Old World Monkey travels in groups of up to 40 comprised mainly of females, juvenile males and one dominant adult polygynous male.


Young males are forced out of the group to build their own futures elsewhere when they come of age, so as to not threaten the dominant male. I am not a monkey expert but perhaps my new friend is one such exiled adolescent also beginning his great journey.





The Machame route has the reputation of having certain sections that are steeper than those of the more popular "Coca Cola" or Merangu route. However, the success of hikers is higher on the longer Machame route, as it's longer route overall allows the human body additional time to acclimate to the higher altitude. Another benefit of the longer route is more time to enjoy the interlacing streams, waterfalls and a rainforest rich with lush foliage and diverse fauna.



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