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People of the sun. Part 3: The Aztecs./太阳的人。第3部分:阿兹台克人。

The civilization of Mesoamerica (Mesoamerica) - a complex of ancient cultures that developed in Central America before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. Mayan civilization, the Aztecs and the Incas keep the secrets of the history of an entire continent./中美洲(中美洲)的文明 - 在中美洲开发于16世纪西班牙征服前的古老文化的复合体。玛雅文明,阿兹特克和印加人保持整个大陆历史的秘密。

Aztecs - nomads from the north came to the Yucatan peninsula later. They are based in Mexico City in the 13th century. Under the impression of monumental pyramids Tehuacan, abandoned centuries ago, they decided that this city was built by the gods. Even today we do not know who built this city./阿兹台克人 - 游牧民族从北方来到尤卡坦半岛后。他们的总部设在墨西哥城的13世纪。在巨大的金字塔特瓦坎的印象,放弃了几个世纪前,他们决定,这个城市是由神建造的。即使在今天,我们不知道是谁建造了这座城市。

Local people despised the Aztecs and regarded them as savages. But the Aztecs learned from the Toltecs, who prevailed in the area until the 12th century. The Aztecs created their culture as a compromise between the desire to establish themselves and create a great civilization, like the one that existed here before them, but with their nomadic traditions and values ​​of the military. Eventually, the Aztecs - is the people dual philosophy and attitude to the world. They are the heirs and receivers of their ancestors, especially famous among them - the Toltecs.

Dominique Michelet (archaeologist): They were able to take all the values ​​of civilizations preceding them, and they are their increased greatly. They were civilized people, but they were the northern roots of the same time. They were descendants of the Chichimecas. They came from the north, inheriting the traits of hunters and gatherers, the brave people worshiped the sun. And these roots are too proud./当地人鄙视阿兹特克和视他们为野蛮人。但是,阿兹台克人从托尔特克,谁在该地区持续至12世纪的教训。阿兹台克人创造了文化,建立自我,创造一个伟大的文明,就像存在这里之前一个愿望之间的妥协,但他们的游牧传统,军队的值。最终,阿兹台克人 - 是人民的双理念和姿态走向世界。他们的继承人和他们祖先的接收器,其中特别是著名的 - 的托尔特克。多米尼克·米什莱(考古学家):他们能够把他们之前的文明的所有值,以及它们的大大增加。他们是文明的人,但他们的同时,北方的根源。他们是Chichimecas的后裔。他们来自北方,继承猎人和采集的特点,勇敢的人崇拜太阳。而且这些根是太骄傲了。

Mexico City was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan - Aztec capital, after it was destroyed by the Spaniards. Today in this urban jungle is very hard to find traces of the Aztec civilization. But in 1978 godu unexpected happened. At this time, it was planned to build an underground transport system. When the work began, the builders came across a strange objects.

The archeologist Jose Romero Alvaro Rivera: We are now able to go down under the sun temple, which is dedicated to the Sun god - Tenatiu. He discovered a completely unexpected! This incredible luck!/墨西哥城是建立在特诺奇蒂特兰城的废墟 - 阿兹特克首都,它是由西班牙人毁掉了。今天在这个都市丛林中是很难找到阿兹特克文明的痕迹。但在1978年godu意想不到的事情发生。这时,有人计划建设地下交通系统。当工作开始,建设者跨越奇怪的物体来了。考古学家何塞·罗梅罗阿尔瓦罗·里维拉:我们现在能够往下走太阳神庙,这是献给太阳神下 - Tenatiu。他发现了一个完全出乎意料!这个令人难以置信的运气!

Traces have been found of the Aztecs. The Spaniards built the cathedral in the sacred memory of the former sacred place - the capital of the Aztecs, who erected here dozens of temples. Archaeologists were able to reconstruct the history of the most important of them - the Great Temple. Like the Mayan pyramids, it was built in the form of several consecutive levels. His remains tell us about the past and open a long history of this city./痕迹已发现阿兹特克人。西班牙人建教堂前圣地的神圣记忆 - 阿兹台克人的资本,谁在这里竖立数十个寺庙。考古学家得以重建其中最重要的历史 - 伟大的寺庙。像玛雅金字塔,它建于连续几个层次的形式。他的遗体告诉我们关于过去,打开这座城市的悠久历史。

500 years ago on the site of modern Mexico City extended Lake Texcoco. To build a city in the marshland, the Aztecs had to create artificial islands. American Venice, Tenochtitlan incredible! The city was home to 300,000 inhabitants. When the Europeans arrived, they could not believe their eyes. While Tenochtitlan was the largest urban conglomeration in the world. In the city center was his sacred heart - the Great Temple, the remains of which we were able to find.

Dominique Michelet (archaeologist): We appreciate all of their territory as of 13 square kilometers. The city was founded on small plots of land that rose above the water. To create a space in which to live, it took a tremendous amount of work on the drainage of the marshes. In fact, if you think about investing in this work, it was a fantastic effort. And the most surprising thing is that they were able to handle it in just a few decades.

The marshland Aztecs had very little fertile land. But they were able to feed the hundreds of thousands of people in the capital, making the most use out of the external environment in which settled.
In the suburbs of Mexico City you can find quite unusual agricultural structures known as floating gardens - chinampa. These buildings are so unusual that they are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saving these gardens gives us the opportunity to travel back in time, discovering the secrets of the Aztec tribe.
Chinampa - a farming structure, consisting of canals and artificial islands. Modern Mexican farmers preserve their heritage. They still cultivate the land as did their ancient ancestors. When the mud dries, it becomes very hard. We use a lot of dirt. Superimpose one layer to another. When it dries, we get chinampa./500多年前现代墨西哥城的网站上推广特斯科科湖。要建立在沼泽地的一个城市,阿兹特克人必须创造人工岛。美国威尼斯,特诺奇蒂特兰城不可思议!这个城市是家庭30万居民。当欧洲人到达,他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。虽然特诺奇蒂特兰城是世界上最大的城市聚集。在城市中心是他的神圣的心脏 - 伟大的寺庙,遗址,其中我们能够找到。多米尼克·米什莱(考古学家):我们非常感谢他们的所有领土作为13平方公里。这个城市是建立在小块土地的玫瑰在水面上。要创造一个生活空间,它承担了沼泽的排水工作的大量。事实上,如果你想在这项工作中进行投资,这是一个梦幻般的努力。而最令人惊讶的是,他们能够处理它在短短的几十年。江滩阿兹台克人只有很少的土地肥沃。但他们能够养活了成千上万的人在京城,使得大部分使用了其中入驻的外部环境。在墨西哥城郊区,你可以找到被称为浮动花园相当不寻常的农业结构 - chinampa。这些建筑是如此不同寻常,他们被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。保存这些花园给了我们旅行回来的时候,发现阿兹特克部落的秘密的机会。Chinampa - 一个农业结构,由运河和人工岛。现代的墨西哥农民保护他们的文化遗产。他们还耕种土地为做他们的远古祖先。当泥变干,就变得非常困难。我们使用了大量的污垢。叠加一层到另一层。当它变干,我们得到chinampa。

These floating gardens, built around the city were able to feed a population of several hundred people. Their technology provides very high yield. The fertile soil, plenty of water, sun, guaranteed four harvests a year. Farmers planted a variety of cultures, changing the amount of water and land. As a result, the cultivation chinampa gave three times more yield than any other land. Corn - the main crop of the Aztecs considered sacred. Senteotl - was the god of maize. Chikomekoatl - her goddess. Young women brought to them in sacrifice. To get a good harvest, they beheaded as cut off ears of corn from the stalks./这些漂浮的花园,围绕全市建成能够养活几百人的人口。他们的技术提供了非常高的产量。在土壤肥沃,水源充足,阳光,保证一年有收成。农户种植不同的文化,改变了水和土地的数量。其结果是,培养chinampa得到比其它任何土地三倍以上的产率。玉米 - 阿兹台克人的主要作物认为是神圣的。Senteotl - 是玉米的神。Chikomekoatl - 她的女神。年轻女性带给他们的牺牲。为了获得好收成,他们斩首从玉米秸秆割掉耳朵。

Human sacrifice was common throughout Central America for a long time. But the Aztecs were an integral cult. When the conquistadors first entered the main square of Tenochtitlan, they were horrified when they saw the bloody stage of the main temple. When the city was captured, the temple was destroyed. But archaeological excavations discovered another older building - a miniature model of the Great Temple. On one of the platforms was a black stone, intended for sacrifice. The most private moment of sacrifice included tearing out the heart. The victim is laid on the sacred stone and held four people. The priest cut the victim's chest with a knife and tore still beating heart, raising his bloodthirsty sun. The victim's body thrown down the steps of the pyramid, to put him to the ground. Then the heart was placed on the statue Chuck -Moolya./人的牺牲整个中美洲很普遍很长一段时间。但是,阿兹台克人不可或缺的崇拜。当征服者第一次进入特诺奇蒂特兰城的主要广场上,就当他们看到主寺的血腥阶段都吓坏了。当城市被抓获时,圣殿被毁。但考古发掘发现了另一个旧建筑 - 大寺庙的微缩模型。在平台上的一个是黑色的石头,用于祭祀。牺牲的最私人的时刻包括撕裂了心脏。受害者是放在圣石,并举行4人。牧师切断受害人的胸部一刀,撕毁仍然跳动的心脏,提高他的嗜血太阳。受害者的尸体丢在金字塔的台阶上,把他打倒在地。然后将心脏放在雕像查-Moolya

An explanation of these massacres, described in Sunny stone. This is - a sculpture with a diameter of 3 meters 60 centimeters, weighing 20 tons is a calendar that described the disappearance of the four suns because of the disasters occurred. Our fifth sun, too, is in danger. It appeared only because God sacrificed himself. He gave himself the fire and turned into the sun. But this new sun could not move. Therefore, other gods gave him life through his blood. Thus began the universal drama in which mankind plays a direct role. To the sun continued its movement, it needs to be fed every day special water - human blood.

Dominique Michelet (archaeologist): First of all, the Aztecs had a very strong ideology with respect to human sacrifice. This - the cornerstone of their philosophies. The Aztecs claimed that they support the life of the world. Sacrifice was aware of them as a supreme duty as provisioning of life of the gods, from whom depended on the survival of all mankind. That was part of their core beliefs. In addition, I believe that their beliefs, it is a merit of the political system the expansion of the empire, which led to such exorbitant victims, that we have mentioned. They have become a necessity of sacrifice, by which the system continues to grow./这些屠杀的说明,在阳光石描述。这是 - 一个直径为3米60厘米一个雕塑,称量20吨是描述由于灾害的四个太阳的消失发生的日历。我们的第五太阳也处于危险之中。只因为上帝牺牲自己出现了。他给自己的火,变成太阳。但这个新的太阳动弹不得。因此,其他神给了他的生活,通过他的血。就这样开始了普遍的戏剧中,人类起着直接的作用。在阳光下继续它的运动,它需要天天特价水喂 - 人体血液。多米尼克·米什莱(考古学家):首先,阿兹台克人有一个非常强烈的意识形态相对于人的牺牲。这一点 - 他们的哲学的基石。阿兹台克人声称,他们支持世界的生活。牺牲是意识到它们的存在是一种至高无上的义务作为神仙的生活配置,从他们依靠全人类的生存。这是他们的核心信念的一部分。此外,我相信自己的信念,它是政治制度的扩张帝国,而导致这种高昂的受害者的优点,我们已经提到。他们已成为牺牲的必要性,通过该系统继续增长。

In 1487, Emperor Autsotl celebrated the ascent to the throne in the Great Temple. This ceremony is terrifying. On the stone of sacrifice, the priests beheaded endless procession of captives. This inauguration took the lives of more than 10, 000 people. The Empire was at the height of its power. In 1440 the Aztecs began to actively conquer the territory of the tribes inhabiting the Mexican plateau. In 1520, they ruled an empire covering 200,000 square kilometers. On the eve of the Spanish invasion, the Empire consisted of 38 provinces, each of which was subject to a huge tribute. The Aztecs established their rule, suggesting all fear.

Dominique Michelet (archaeologist): The main interest of the Aztecs, located at the heart of the great architecture, represents their empire, was the conquest of new territories. They sought to increase taxes, to achieve wealth and achieve recognition of the higher authority. But it was not just the physical seizure of property with subsequent destruction of the population and the colonization of the territory. It was organized by military attacks, in which they often simply intimidate other tribes. So they seized the citizenship of some areas, which are then joined to the empire. These territories were to recognize the supremacy of Tenochtitlan, the supreme authority of the emperor, as well as the divine authority of the Aztecs guardian gods - Huitzilopochtli. But at the same time, to some extent, they retain the right of subject peoples to lead his normal life until they ensure recognition of the primacy of the Aztecs and pay their taxes./1487年,帝Autsotl庆祝上升到伟大的寺庙的宝座。这个仪式可怕。在牺牲的石头,祭司斩杀俘虏无尽的游行。这就职典礼的超过10,000人的生命。帝国在其权力的高度。在1440阿兹特克人开始积极征服部落居住在墨西哥高原的领土。在1520年,他们统治占地20平方公里帝国。在西班牙人入侵前夕,帝国包括38个省,每个是受到了巨大的敬意。阿兹台克人建立自己的统治,这一切的恐惧。多米尼克·米什莱(考古学家):阿兹台克人,位于伟大的建筑的心脏的主要利益,代表他们的帝国,是新的领土征服。他们设法增加税收,实现财富和实现识别上级的。但它不只是财产的查封物理与人口的后续破坏和领土的殖民化。它是由军事袭击,在他们经常只是恐吓其他部落组织的。于是,他们抓住一些领域,然后再加入帝国的公民身份。这些地区要承认特诺奇蒂特兰,皇帝至高无上的权威至高无上的地位,以及阿兹台克人的守护神的神圣权威机构 - 维齐洛波奇特利。但在同一时间,在一定程度上,他们保留受人民带领他的正常生活,直到他们确保承认阿兹台克人的首要地位,并付税的权利。

The Aztecs were ruthless war. In the first lines were the strongest warriors, who belonged to an honorable knight's estates as "Brotherhood of the Eagle." They wore hats in the shape of an eagle's head. Endless columns carriers brought tribute to the capital. All taxes properly recorded. Traces of these records have been found in several manuscripts. Tons of food, cotton, fabrics, decorative feathers and a large number of precious articles were to apply that captured peoples paid annually. The prisoners were deprived of any rights. They were used as slave force or become sacred victims./阿兹台克人残酷的战争。在第一行是最强的战士,谁属于一个光荣的骑士的遗产为“鹰的兄弟。” 他们鹰头形戴着帽子。无尽列运营商带来进贡京城。所有的税费正确记录。这些记录的痕迹已经在一些手稿被发现。粮食,棉花,面料,装饰羽毛和大量贵重物品的吨是申请每年支付的捕获的人民。囚犯被剥夺了任何权利。他们被作为奴隶力量,或成为神圣的受害者。

But even the rapid expansion of the empire, could not destroy the internal confrontation between nations. Tenochtitlan was the main pride of the Aztecs, their mighty power, for which they paid a huge price./但即使是帝国的迅速扩张,也不能破坏国家之间的内部冲突。特诺奇蒂特兰城是阿兹台克人,他们的强大力量,为此他们付出了巨大代价的主要骄傲。
Source: Les Peuples du Soleil. Mayas, Azteques, Incas, 2007. Gedeon Programmes, France 5, NHK
// Photo: George & Eve DeLange, El Grito de Maximiliano, Diego Rivera fresco cycle of "Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Mexico City: Great City of Tenochtitlan", Diego Rivera mural "Tsivilzatsiya Totonac," as well as photos from the Internet./来源:莱斯Peuples剧团。玛雅人,Azteques,印加人,2007年热代翁方案,法国5,NHK //照片:乔治·夏娃Delange宾馆,萨尔瓦多Grito德的Maximiliano的“前西班牙和殖民墨西哥城:大市特诺奇蒂特兰的”迭戈·里维拉的壁画周期,迭戈·里维拉的壁画“Tsivilzatsiya Totonac“以及从互联网相片。
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