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People of the sun. Part 1 Maya. Tikal (Guatemala)./太阳的人。第1部分玛雅。蒂卡尔(危地马拉)

America or the "New World" was named the continent, Europeans, broke new ground in the 15th century. The name "America" ​​the two united continent acquired, probably in honor of Amerigo Vespucci, the Florentine traveler. At that time, the natives who inhabited the territory on the border of North and South America, had no connection with the outside world.
Numerous representatives of the tribes inhabiting the central part of America were sedentary, built villages and towns. It was dynamic and very sophisticated culture. They invented their own form of government, developed the original philosophical concepts, created their own religion. If Europeans do not have destroyed almost all evidence of their existence, it has left rich heritage of these great civilizations in the world.

The civilization of the Maya, Aztec and Inca keep the secrets of the history of an entire continent.
After the discovery of America, in Europe began to spread the legend of the cities, and gold. They aroused the greed of the Spanish conquistadors, who represented the land, as the mythical Eldorado, like the earth quick profit. The Spaniards were brutal conquest. Just a few years of the empire of the Incas and Aztecs were wiped out. The extraordinary flourishing of civilization was suddenly and cruelly interrupted.
In the 19th - early 20th century there was a new discovery of these civilizations. It inspired new researchers and adventurers. Risking their lives, they rushed openers in the new land, bringing back the mysterious history. In the depths of impenetrable jungle, in the highlands, extending the huge deserted city./美国还是“新世界”被评为大陆,欧洲人在15世纪新的突破。“美”这个名字在两个大陆统一收购,可能是在韦斯普奇,佛罗伦萨的旅行者荣誉。当时,谁对居住北美和南美的边界领土当地人,曾与外界没有任何联系。部落居住美国的中央部分的许多代表是久坐,建成乡镇。这是动态的,非常复杂的文化。他们发明了自己的政府形式,开发的原始哲学概念,创建自己的宗教。如果欧洲人不摧毁它们的存在,几乎所有的证据,它已经离开了世界,这些伟大的文明的丰富遗产。玛雅,阿兹特克和印加文明保持整个大陆历史的秘密。美洲发现后,欧洲开始普及城市的传奇,和黄金。他们引起了西班牙征服者,谁代表土地的贪婪,因为神话埃尔多拉多,像地球一样急功近利。西班牙人对野蛮征服。短短几年间印加和阿兹特克帝国的被消灭。文明的非凡繁荣的突然和残酷地打断。在19 - 20世纪初出现了这些文明的新发现。它激发了新的研究人员和探险者。冒着生命危险,他们赶到叹为观止在新的土地,带回的神秘历史。在丛林中坚不可摧的深处,在高原,延长了巨大的荒废城市。

Even before white people arrived on the American continent, there existed an incredibly advanced civilization. The natives were not savages how Europeans initially thought. Grandiose remains show the high level of development of society and extraordinary culture. Already 3.5 thousand years BC in the Andes blossomed major civilization of Nazca, Tiwanaku and Inca. In the 15th century, the Inca civilization has created a huge empire.
Maya and Aztecs belong to the civilization of Central America. Since 2500 BC, they shared a common culture. Initially, the Maya civilization developed in the forests of Guatemala and Chiapas (now - a state in the southeast of Mexico). It reached the highest stage of its development in the 8th century. Mayans built a grand city. The supreme power was concentrated in the temples and palaces./白人到达美洲大陆之前,甚至,存在着一个令人难以置信的先进文明。当地人没有野人如何欧洲人最初以为。宏伟的遗迹表明社会和文化的非凡发展的较高水平。已经3500年BC在安第斯山脉开花纳斯卡,蒂瓦纳库和印加文明的重要。在15世纪,印加文明创造了一个庞大帝国。玛雅和阿兹特克人属于中美洲文明。自公元前2500年,他们有着共同的文化。最初,玛雅文明在危地马拉和恰帕斯( - 墨西哥东南部的状态现在)的森林开发。它达到了8世纪发展的最高阶段。玛雅人建造了盛大的城市。集中在寺庙和宫殿至高无上的权力。

Tikal - the largest and most magnificent Mayan city. It is located in the jungles of Guatemala. Tikal boasts the highest temples built by the Maya. The highest of them is 70 meters. Today we can admire the ruins of gray, which are unlikely to convey the splendor of the ancient city. If you recreate the picture of the main square of Tikal, we will see that in this city dominated by red color. Their study, the researchers began by explaining the importance of pyramidal temples./蒂卡尔 - 最大,最宏伟的玛雅城市。它坐落在危地马拉的丛林。蒂卡尔拥有玛雅人建造的最高的寺庙。其中最高的是70米。今天我们可以欣赏灰色的废墟,这是不可能传达古城的辉煌。如果重新创建蒂卡尔的主要广场的图片,我们会看到,在这个城市以红色为主。他们的研究中,研究人员首先介绍金字塔寺庙的重要性。

Not all of them were dedicated to the gods. Many were built in the sign of the rulers of worship. In the 50s of the 20th century in the depths of one of the tunnels, archaeologists have discovered the tomb. They found there a human skeleton, which were jade ornaments - a symbol of immortality of the Maya. It was the skeleton leader Chang-Kaviilya Hathaway, who ruled with Tikal 834 years. As the Egyptian Pharaohs, the leaders of the Maya buried in pyramids and spent cult worship.

Dominique Michelet (archaeologist): In simple terms, the leader - the head of the city. He had the military and the executive branch. And, undoubtedly, during the development of the classic Mayan civilization, personified the spirit of community.
City life was seen as a reflection of the world of the universe. Balance and harmony are guaranteed by the leader, who had divine status. Monumental architecture impresses with its grandeur and inspired fear. The chief was sacred. His words became myths.
On the day of his ascension to the throne, he was the morning sun, which appeared on the horizon and rose into the sky. On the day of his death, he became the setting sun, which was slowly sinking behind the horizon. These legends are associated with the cycle of time. Maya always watched the sky and the movement of celestial bodies./不是所有的人都奉献给神。许多建于崇拜的统治者的迹象。在隧道之一的深处是20世纪50年代,考古学家发现墓。他们发现有一个人的骨骼,这是玉饰 - 玛雅的不朽的象征。这是骨架的领导者昌Kaviilya哈撒韦,谁与蒂卡尔834年统治。作为埃及法老,玛雅埋在金字塔和领导人花了邪教崇拜。多米尼克·米什莱(考古学家):简单来说,领导者 - 城市之首。他有军事和行政部门。而且,毫无疑问,经典的玛雅文明的发展过程中,人格化社会的精神。城市生活被视为宇宙世界的反映。平衡与和谐是由领导者,谁神圣地位的保证。纪念建筑有它的庄严和灵感的恐惧令人印象深刻。主要是神圣的。他的话变成了神话。在他提升到宝座的一天,他早晨的阳光,出现在地平线上,直冲云霄。在他去世的当天,他成为了夕阳,这是慢慢地在地平线后面下沉。这些传说都随着时间的周期相关联。玛雅总是看着天空和天体的运动。
Source: Les Peuples du Soleil. Mayas, Azteques, Incas, 2007. Gedeon Programmes, France 5, NHK
Photo: Anton Balazh / Shutterstock, Wolfgang Sauber, Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, Kenneth Garrett, Peter Andersen, Simon Burchell, Jose Fernando/来源:莱斯Peuples剧团。玛雅人,Azteques,印加人,2007年热代翁方案,法国5,NHK照片:安东Balazh /存在Shutterstock,沃尔夫冈·索伯,比约恩基督教Tørrissen,肯尼思·加勒特,彼得·安徒生,西蒙·伯切尔,何塞·费尔南多·

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