Words Are Powerless to Express My Gratitude to Thai Tourist Police for the Great Work They’ve Done!

Hey everyone! ☀ Let me remind you, my name is Natasha! And now I want to try express my gratitude to Thai Tourist Police for the great work they’ve done!

Let me tell this story in order. A few months ago, I was travelling with my boyfriend in the northen Thailand. We were travelling around Mae Hong Son Loop. It is one of northern Thailand's most famous multi-day routes. The loop is approximately 600 km long and needs at least four days to complete. We were happy that we chose this motorbike adventure, but there was time to go back to Bangkok.

When we returned to Chiang Mai we received email from booking.com about exciting adventures were waiting us in Bangkok. This prophecy came true.

We were in Bangkok at 5:30 AM. At 6:00 AM we were seating in the tourist police station, where we spent more than 5 hours. At 2 pm we departed from the airport Dong Muang. At 6 pm we were in Phuket Town and ate fried rice for dinner. To be honest, it was a terrible day. But a very good experience.

The thing is, someone has stolen all our cash, which was intended for one more month in Thailand. We were in the night bus Chiang Mai - Bangkok when it happened. After a sleepless night at the bus stop in Bangkok we noticed that our bag changed its shape. Someone went through our backpack wholly. Then he carefully put all our belongings back, and it was done more carefull than we had. There were stolen only money. No passports, no equipment, nothing else. We just thought why the bus driver had gone away so quickly when we started to examine the backpack.

Our first thought was to take a taxi and follow the bus, the second - it is over, and the third - to call the police.

So, if something happened to you in Thailand you need to call the tourist police on 1155. And it’s fair to say I thougth there was no way to remedy the situation. We simply didn't have time before departing to Phuket that was in few hours.

We came to the nearest branch of the tourist police in a half an hour. It was only 6 AM and the door was closed. A man on the street suggested to knock on the door. Sleepy woman with closed eyes opened the door for us.

The woman explained to us that the tourist police havn't the authority to conduct investigations and we need to file a report to the local police. She instruct us. After that I gave evidence.

Now imagine! After 5 hours and several phone calls the policeman told us that the transport company fully compensates for stolen amount and the thieves will be found and punished. And they gave us back the money directly in a police station in 20 minutes!

I am so happy that we were able to continue the journey. You know, I can't believe this is happening. And my boyfriend can't too! I really have no words to express my gratitude to Thai Tourist Police for the great work they do!

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