Answer to the biggest question of life is quite simple and I found it in a Buddhist Temple!

Buddhist temples have always attracted me, they have the ability to calm my mind as soon as I set foot on them. Apart from them their customs of spinning wheels and incense burning add even more their charm. Recently I came across another new custom at a Buddhist Temple and it has left me with a very simple yet very important lesson.

I was visiting the Kek Lok Soi Temple on the Malaysian island of Penang. Inside the temple there was a tree like structure with a many ribbons of different colours hanging on it. Next to it was a box with different ribbons and significance of the ribbon written under each colour.

Here's the picture of the tree.

Here are all the ribbons

Now look closer and see which colour is appearing the least.

Do you also think it's sky blue? then look what it stands for.

This was a eureka moment for me, it made me realise that when we focus on the daily life goals we loose sight of the ultimate goal. We think a success career is of utmost importance and thus are ready to compromise with our health.
We think companionship is a necessity and are ready to be in an abusive relationship. But what we really want for us is happiness. It's that simple, we should always look at the bigger when we make choice in life and that is what do we eventually want?

For more of my work please follow me @unrealisback

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