Do you want to travel cheap in Germany? Here's how!

            Hey dear Steemians and today I've decided to reveal some very useful traveling tips for Germany. We all know that the most pricy things in travelling is actually taking different types of transport to go from A to B and C and all other points that stand in your list. Different countries have different transport systems and even in the same country going from one city to another you might see some differences.   

So, today I'll be talking about traveling in Germany. There are 16 federal states in Germany each of them has its own state constitution they also vary in their legal systems like the police law and other things. What does it have to do with travelling you'd ask? No of course the legal system is in our interest, but the 16 states, because every state tries to make it as fine as possible for its citizen to travel inside it. 

For example, I've often met people travelling in Bavaria (where I live) paying about 40-70 euros to get from one city to another. Because no one of them knew about so called "Bayern Ticket" which allows you to travel in the whole state of Bavaria for a day just for 25 euros per person. The biggest advantage of this ticket is that you can buy it to travel with up to 5 people paying extra 6 euros for another person. So, 1 person- 25 euros, 2 people - 31 euro, 3 - 37, 4 - 43, 5 - 49! Which make is about 9,8 per person, if you are travelling in a group of 5. Another great point of buying it is that you don't have to buy any bus, tube, tram tickets with it, because the price includes it too!

Most importantly this kind of system exists in every region. And before going to travel in Germany, if you wish to spare a few coins for a "mass" (1Liter) of beer and a sausage, it would be the best if you take your time looking on the website of the official German railway company "Deutsche Banh" to see the offers and directions. Let me help you a little by sharing this link in English:  

Thanks for reading! Feel free to ask me more questions when needed. 

Have a great day,

Valerie x

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