The 25 most absurd prohibitions in Cuba and you did not even know it

In this article we present a list of 25 most absurd prohibitions that Cubans suffer.

It is noteworthy that the Socialist government of Cuba applies many of these only to Cuban citizens and does not apply to foreign tourists and foreigners living on the island.

1. The Cubans are banned from accessing the internet in their homes or mobile phones.

ETECSA is the state monopoly of telecommunications in Cuba. According to its business policy, the internet service in homes is not allowed to Cuban citizens. It is unique to the state and foreign companies, and also for foreigners living in the country.

According to the website of the socialist enterprise is established that:

"The internet access service is offered to companies and foreigners with temporary or permanent residence in Cuba. For now this service is not available to individuals in Cuba (...) nor the Cuban residential sector. "

2. Build tourist boats

There is no law that prohibits Cubans to build vessels, however, the authorities apply this restriction for many years. According Cubatur (state travel agency), "To the Cubans - wherever they live - they are not allowed to sell packages that include catamaran tours or other tourist boats. This reserved only for foreign tourists. "

The National Department of Captaincy states that "no Cuban is authorizer surfing in Cuba, the only exception is for those married to citizens of other countries, but they must apply for permission in advance."

Recently, after the new Obama policy toward Cuba, Cuba Cruise company is allowing American trip Cruises Maritime Cuba, but no Cuban (visa or US passport) has been allowed to embark on this or any other other cruise because of the restriction that is imposed for decades by the government of Cuba to the population.

3. Hire Cable television service

The socialist company Telecable, (CIMEX), is the one that offers cable television and this service is exclusive to tourist facilities, diplomatic, to foreign companies and foreign residents in Cuba. Telecable offers a grid of international channels like CNN, Discovery, HBO, Ritmoson Latino, ESPN ... The Cuban people, the simple fact of being Cuban can not have access to this service and should only consume State national channels.

4. Living in Havana without permission

Can anyone of São Paulo live in Rio de Janeiro? Or, one of Los Angeles can live in Washington DC? The answer is obvious to us. But in Cuba: Can someone Bayamo live in Havana? The answer is No, if you are not allowed to.

Decree-Law 217 of 22 April 1997, on "Migration Internal Regulations for Havana Citizens" states that people from other provinces can not live in the capital without a document "transient" means an authorization granted by identity registration offices Interior Ministry.

Certainly, this Cuban Decree violates Article 13.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to move freely and choose their residence within a State"

5. Kill a cow

Unbelievable, but true. Cuba is prohibited and punishable kill a cow, according to Decree 225 of 1997 "personal contraventions of the regulations for the control and registration of bovine" which expressly prohibit the slaughter of cattle.

This meat is reserved exclusively for consumption by tourists and is sold only in foreign currency (dollar, euro).

6. Manifesting

The Constitution of Cuba (1976) recognizes the right to expression, but that use the "proper means to do so", and the Penal Code, Article 209 says that "commits an offense against public order who participates in meetings and demonstrations who violate the provisions governing the exercise of their rights "

However, over the last 39 years of the Constitution of 76, was not drafted or included no law governing the exercise of this right in Cuba. This is an unconstitutional National Assembly failed in its duty to legislate.

That is, the criminal code Cuba punishes you if you do not manifest agreed with the law, but ironically there is no law regulating how to manifest.

Again, Cuba violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes in Article 20.1 that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association."

7. Having dual citizenship

Says the Constitution of Cuba in Article 32: "There shall be no dual citizenship. As a result, when it acquires a foreign citizenship, loses to Cuba. The law establishes the procedure to be followed to formalize this 'substitution' and which are the competent authorities to formalize this decision "

Nevertheless, the Cuban holder of another citizenship immigrant is forced to take a Cuban passport (and pay the costs you respond) to be able to enter Cuba.

8. Prohibited political parties

Although the Constitution of Cuba enables all citizens to be elected, the same Magna Carta makes it clear in Article 62 that: "None of the freedoms recognized for citizens can be exercised contrary to the provisions of the Constitution and the laws, nor against the existence and interests of the socialist state, or against the decision of the Cuban people to build socialism and communism. The offense provided principle is punishable "

The Constitution also states that "The Communist Party of Cuba, Marti and Marxist-Leninist, is the highest leading force of society and the state, which organizes and guides the common efforts and goals in the progress of socialism and advancement of communist society."

Therefore, any political party other than the CCP is punishable by law.

9. Invest in large and medium enterprises

The Law 188, foreign investment, regulates investment in Cuba of foreign individuals and companies, as well as Cuban entities to invest jointly with foreigners. But do not talk at any time of natural people of Cuba who have the right to invest in Cuba.

The only possibility for the Cuban who wants to be an entrepreneur is to become a "cuentapropista" * (independent professional, who owns a small business), but this must be authorized by the Government and a few activities allowed as bricklayers, hairdressers, hawker food, lumberjack, masseur, public toilets cleaner.

* The "cuentapropista" are usually in the informal sector of the Cuban economy, work on their own. The vast majority are men who develop activities in the agricultural sector and services and women's small sales and services sector.

10. Import wireless microphones, walkie talkies and satellite communications equipment.

Resolution 10 of 2006 says in its second paragraph that people wishing to import wireless microphones, walkie talkies, communications equipment, satellite ... "need prior authorization to enter the country and a license or permit to ensure their installation, operation and operation, both issued by the Control and Supervision Agency of the Ministry of Informatics and Communications "and that no one is much deceived, the resolution is clear:" the presentation of the authorization request does not necessarily mean it will be granted. "

11. Invite a foreigner to spend the night at his home

For a Cuban, invite a foreigner to spend the night in your house is not as simple as it sounds. Foreigners who choose to stay in a friend's house that has an unauthorized place to rent (according to Decree-Law No. 171/1997 of 15 de mayo, "on the rental homes, rooms or spaces"), or not paid the rent, they must travel with tourist visa, but once they are in Cuba should change request for a visa Family type (a-2) in the Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners (EID) of the municipality where it will reside.

If the police or immigration authorities find a stranger asleep without authorization in a room of a Cuban, the owner of the house can be severely fined.

12. Sell lobster and shrimp

You want to sell lobster or shrimp in Cuba? Sorry, only the state can do that and foreigners, of course!

Article 51 of Decree-Law 164 "Regulations Fisheries" establishes the following penalties to anyone who "Capture, landing or markets the following species intended exclusively for commercial fishing:

a) lobster and crab, 500, up to 5,000 pesos;

b) shrimp, 50 to 5000 pesos. "

But Article 26 of the same decree also says: "The use of commercial fishing can only be effected by the subordinate bodies of the Ministry of Fisheries Industry or entities authorized by this, or individuals and foreign companies authorized by the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers ".

13. Staying over 2 years outside of Cuba

Under current law Immigration, a Cuban can get up to 2 years off the island before being considered "immigrated" by the Cuban authorities. After this period outside the national territory without an approved justification, Cuban citizen loses his rights in Cuba including reside there.

14. Giving a ride to a stranger in a private car

Cuban police can fine or seize the vehicle if a Cuban citizen without taxi license, give a ride to a stranger. There is no explicit law against, but the authorities assume that an alien in a Cuban vehicle is synonymous with illegal enrichment.

15. Bring 25 fake nails from the outside

The recent Customs Law of Cuba establishes comprehensive bans on goods that can be brought from outside the island. ridiculous limitations pose difficulties in time to bring Cuba items that can not be found within the country. The customs Resolution 206, in Article 5 explains that "The customs authorities confiscate amounts exceeding the limit set out in this resolution ..." And in the case of artificial nails, the limit is 24.

16. Educate your children alternatively established

In 1959, the government nationalized the academic institutions and created a system operated exclusively by the state.

The Cuban Constitution says that education in Cuba will be according to the "Marxist Ideal" which will promote the "Communist formation."

The educational method in Cuba is one, except for children of foreigners and that may come into an international school, where there is no ideological formation, although this is also state.

17. Owning a different health system state

In 1959, the Cuban government also nationalized health. alternatives to the state health sector are not allowed. There is a hospital in Havana called Cira García with good quality, hygiene and good health which exclusively cater to foreigners, but is also a state medical facility.

18. Bring donations to Cuba

For sending gifts or donations to Cuba, an Authorization to Import is required (AI).

The beneficiary shall provide information and present some documentation necessary for the executor Company Donations (EMED), the Ministry of Foreign Trade, in order to obtain the guarantees and meet the requirements for the formulation of the application for import.

If this request is accepted, the EMED issues the authorization and the beneficiary is informed.

For example, if a foreigner bring in your suitcase medicines to be donated to a hospital and declares them as a donation, they will be confiscated at the airport.

19. Belonging to an independent union

The Convention 87 of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN says, "workers ... without distinction and without prior authorization, have the right to form organizations they deem appropriate, and to join these organizations"

But in Cuba, once again, no matter what the UN says. Decree-Law 67 of the State Central Administration Organization, in Article 61, "gives the CTC (Cuban Communist Party) the legal and institutional representation of the Cuban people you work"

In Act 49, the Labour Code, Articles 15:16 make explicit reference to "the existence and membership of workers to the CTC and their National Unions", leaving doors open to not tied to the CTC unions.

20. Criticizing Rulers

Cuban socialist companies include in their contracts with the workers, in lower case, the following words: "It is forbidden to criticize or contradict the directors of the company and the country's leaders."

21. Transporting food from one province to another

The bags of travelers are continuously searched by police on trains, buses, private cars, bicycles or any other means of transport crossing the checkpoints or border provinces.

One might think that this is a form of police inhibit the transport of weapons, drugs or other illegal products, but the police confiscates is coffee, meat, vegetables, bread, and other products. And the confiscation accompanies a fine. The official excuse of the Government is "Illicit enrichment market deliverables".

22. Back to live in Cuba after emigrating

You live outside their country and want to return to their homeland? No, the Cuban State decides who has this right and those who do not.

Since January 2013, all outputs of Cuba do with a residence permit in 24 months abroad, regardless of the type of visa is obtained. After 24 months, if not requested (and authorized, mainly) a residence permit abroad, the Cuban authorities declare that the person has become "emigrant"

And for a "emigrated" to return to Cuba an authorization is required and it is necessary to present a request to the competent bodies. Only upon the Cuban passport with an emigrant seal, it is that the Cuban people have the right to visit and return to set foot on the island.

23. Organize any sporting or artistic activity without government permission

Sporting and cultural events are prohibited without prior permission from the Cuban government. Perform any of these without said authorization may be considered a provocation, resulting in the arrest of the organizers and participants.

24. Existence of private media

The Constitution of Cuba, in its article 53, states that "the press, radio, television, cinema and other mass broadcast media are state or social property, and can not, in any case, be owned private. "

25. Distribute information from the US government, agencies or private entities.

The control of information is a meticulous work of the Cuban government and the intelligence teams. Any information that circulate in Cuba that is not previously approved by the Communist Party is outlawed and its diffusers may face criminal prosecution.

According to Article 11 of Law 88 for the Protection of National Independence and Economy of Cuba (Mordaza Law), "Anyone (...) receive, distribute or participate in the distribution of financial, material or not, by the US Government of America or its agencies, departments, representatives, officials or private entities, shall be punished with imprisonment of three to eight years or a fine of three thousand pesos or both. "

As the Cubans say: "Y no es lo que es obligatorio prohibido." (And what is not forbidden is compulsory).

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