Taking care of your curly hair for a trip - Curly hair, travel and freedom

From my 27 years, probably about 12 I spent trying to straighten my hair. Brush, flat iron, relaxation, progressive ... all this was part of my vocabulary for years. The first time I started to consider stopping it was in India. I remember I and Naty, who also stroked the hair, we saw one of those always reports about the evils of treatments for smoothing. Everyone knows that gradually is poisoning, but continues doing it for the sake of "good hair".

How would a speaker that one day I heard: what your hair done bad to be bad? My, probably nothing. The truth is that I grew up with the myth that curly hair was more difficult to care for, I had to tame the volume, I was more beautiful straight hair. I really believe that. But at the same time, many trips were able to open my horizons and make me question many things in the world, the myth that only straight hair is beautiful and easy to care ended up falling to the ground.

Of course, everyone who passes through the transition period between the progressive and the return of natural hair too struggles to adapt and leave all the hair with chemical grow and be cut. The entire process took about a year and a half. During this period, I had to redo my relationship with my hair and relearn how to take care of it. At first it was not easy, but thanks to the internet and other cached friends, I managed to resist the urge to return to smooth. In time, I gained confidence and praise.

Today, I feel that curly hair goes well over with my personality: I, traveler, digital nomad. And my hair, less tamed, freer. But the litmus test that my "new" fact hair matched my lifestyle came in June this year: I would make a great trip, alone, for two months. If I could keep my hair the way I like, without too much hassle or without having to carry a lot of junk, I have proven to myself and to the world in a way, that the clusters are not synonymous with working hours and could yes adapt to the backpacker life without me look like a complete crazy disheveled

Taking care of your curly hair for a trip

I needed exactly five products to keep my hair happy during the trip. A shampoo and conditioner mega moisturizing and nourishing, a good cream to comb / leave-in and some product fixative curls, like a mousse. And yet, a little oil to keep the brightness on the second day. So basically it was my cosmetics kit, adapted for less 100 ml I could carry in her handbag.

In addition, several rubber bands and clips (because staples save your life in any situation). I did not take dryer, because as it was summer, the dry hair better naturally. In the winter, I would have to find space not only for the dryer, as well as for my friend diffuser. Rarely hotels have the diffuser as well. By the way, if anyone knows where to buy a type of universal diffuser that occupies little space, I will be extremely grateful.

I also have techniques to keep the beautiful curls. For starters, avoid dry my hair with ordinary towels. I learned from the internet bloggers that aside from the cotton and the hairs suck the moisture, causing friction between the curls and frizz. The best way is to use an old shirt or else those sports towels. Lucky for me it was just a sports towel that I carried throughout the trip, since they take up much less space in the trunk and dry very fast.

My other technique is much less conventional, especially for those who sleep in dorms. While Korean frightened the crowd with its endless number of night shades, I worked with the Nightmare on Elm Street using my improvised satin toquinha.

As well, Luiza? You see, I have spoken where the cotton is not good for our hair, whether straight or curly. So we wake up looking like a fight with someone during sleep. With that, I learned this technique that the silk or satin not only steal moisture as prevent the wires Awaken all tangled and formless.

As you can not expect any accommodation'll have silk pillowcase, I started to use a bag that I had satin as night cap. I might have to make sending a cap to me, but I always forget these things. The bag takes up zero space and weighs nothing. With this technique, I do not need to wash your hair every day! I recommend to all.

Being happy naturally

Traveling with my naturally curly hair and took me less time and trouble than the period of progressive. I remember my panic during the round the world 10 months when the chemical began to leave and my root was ugly. Or the space occupied by the suitcase flat iron. And the lost time trying to fix her hair. The curls get along well if left alone, without much storage without taking them too.

Today, my eye straight hair photos and think I'm weird. I think I learned to like the volume and different movement. Combines more with my face. And combines more with who I am. But also I realize that, in the end, what matters is to be the way it makes you happier and that the hair should never interfere with our choices to do or not do something, take a picture or enjoy life . A smile is worth more than 150,000 hairs on your head.

Finally, if you are already a happy curly leaves us comments other tips that you have to take care of the hair during a trip. And if you are in need of support in the care of your hair during a trip, be it straight, curly or straightened, share with us too.

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