Chariots of the Gods? Ruins of Mara and Moray

The terraces of Moray, agricultural laboratory of the Incas, the Sacred Valley, near Cusco, Peru

Pseudoscience or pseudoarchaeology Erich von Daniken can be considered a (pseudo) crazy, but we need not go so far as studying the ancient testaments, Easter Islanders sculptures and even fly over the Nazca Lines to begin to understand how he formulated his whole theory. After all, answer me, this place is or is not a flying saucer car?

Tourists meditate in the center of Moray circles in the Sacred Valley, near Cusco, Peru

Places like the Moray ruins take us directly to the craziest theories that link the history of ancient civilizations to the existence of life (more) intelligent beyond Earth. The pyramids of Egypt, the great Aztec and Maya or even the lesser-known Baghdad Battery buildings are some of the amazing works of humanity that science thought were impossible to be built with the technology of the time. Moray enters this group least the difficulty of execution of the work, the more suggestive shape of its concentric circles staggered by its grandeur and the incredible energy that hangs in the air.

Rodrigo and Gustavo walk alongside the agricultural terraces of Moray, the Inca times, the Sacred Valley, near Cusco, Peru

Okay, let's be reasonable, if not a lot of UFOs, for what purpose the Incas would build a place like this?

The answer is simpler than it seems. The masters of old AGROENGENEERING developed a kind of agricultural laboratory to determine at what altitude and temperature cultivated grains have better development, cultivation and productivity. At each step, or andene, these circles, different cultures have been tested, approved and their seeds and seedlings distributed to various farmers empire. The temperature difference between the top and bottom of this enormous laboratory is 15 ° C? Ingenious these Incas, no?

Their genius does not stop there. Every people who conquered and anexavam your empire, new techniques and knowledge were learned and added. The Incas are often acclaimed for being a very spiritual people, but in our wanderings my humble conclusion is that they were really smart! First of all were a warrior people, they wanted land, read up more food production and payment of taxes (food and manufactured goods) and did not care what language they spoke, what clothes wearing or that God prayed. Every people who won their first measure was to send its engineers, agronomists and astronomers to acquire the knowledge that each of these smaller kingdoms had already acquired. The ingenuity of this people has been improved by adding knowledge of all peoples conquered!

The beautiful scenery on the way to Salinas of Maras, in the Sacred Valley, near Cusco, Peru

Terraces for growing in the high mountains of the Andes, planting strategies according to the seasons, the grain type, temperature and altitude, irrigation systems and anti-seismic construction techniques are just some of the practices enhanced by this civilization so advanced for your time. Not to mention the respect for people, property and the culture of peace that we see today in the Andean people. Rarely heard of robberies, assaults and worse crimes in the region. Some writings of Spanish priests come to report and wonder, we are teaching them to steal, kill, betray, they did not know what it is. We are destroying a culture. Where they would come not for the Spaniards conquer and destroy?

In the midst of a valley, arise Salinas of Maras, in the Sacred Valley, near Cusco, Peru

We need not go far to to come across another one of his amazing works. Mara Salinas are another fantastic achievement of this people. The salt mine using evaporation system for extracting a mineral salty underground river. The first thing we ask ourselves is, salt, 3500m altitude? Remember, the Andes have been under the waters of the sea there is only 23 million years ago, before they began to rise. Yesterday, the approximate 4.5 billion Earth years.

This salt rose, dried and was deposited on the rocky mountain structure, but the water found and brought to the surface. The Incas, in turn, only had the job of carving the mountain on hundreds of the wells like these that you see in the pictures. The water flows slowly evaporating and leaving the salt crystals in each well, not exceeding 4 square meters and 30 cm depth. A work of art created by man and nature in a perfect duet!

The salt mine created by the ancient Incas is operating to this day. Each family owns a pit of salt, being responsible for its extraction. To be owner of a salt pocito is necessary that the individual lives in Maras community, find one well, learn the extraction techniques and voila! The shops at the entrance sell salts of different colors and sizes.

Our afternoon was magical, meditating on the lawn of one of Moray circles, watching the stars appear in the sky as we connected with the cosmic energy of our astronauts gods and imagined agronomists masters planting in each of those terraces. As in archeology only work with hypotheses, you can even choose which one you prefer.

How about include Salinas of Maras and Moray Ruins in your script? Are astronauts gods or very ingenious Incas, I'm sure will approve.

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