An spontaneous Trip to Ambergris Caye- Belize!

Sometimes the best adventures are unplanned! As I was visiting Bacalar, the southern part of the Riviera Maya it occurred to me that Belize was less than an hour away so why not visit Belize? I did not have a hotel or a way to get to Ambergris Caye, Belize, which was the area I was interested in visiting. The great thing is that technology makes everything so easy now a day. I simply used my phone to make a reservation for a hotel in Ambergris Caye and by asking the locals I was able to find out there are boats that leave from Chetumal, the border of Quintanarro, Mexico that take you to Belize. As soon as I found out about this I continued to travel south to Chetumal to take that boat and this is how my Belize adventure began!

Missed the Boat to Belize Now What?

When you go on an unexpected trip prepare for some things to go wrong! The first thing that went wrong with my adventure was arriving to Chetumal to see the last boat of the day departing to Belize. I was now stuck in Chetumal thinking, “how am I going to get to Belize now?” The beauty of speaking the language definitely comes in handy when you travel. I asked the locals once again for suggestions in how I was able to get to San Ambergris Caye and I did get a few. I had the option to take a bus, or rent a car and drive for about 4 hours to Belize City and then take a ferry or I was able to take a small plane if I managed to cross the border to Corazal, Belize where there is a small airport.

Crossing the Border to Belize

Once I was able to get to the border I thought I had it all set. Wrong! As I was waiting in line to get pass the border I realized my passport was not with me. I had left if at the hotel back in Tulum! I then began to panic a bit. How was I supposed to cross the border without a passport? This is a bad habit of mine to leave important things behind such as my ID, cell phone and now passport! I then remembered that luckily I had packed my Mexican passport even though i did not think I was going to need it, I just threw it in my bag just in case. Well, that act of just in case ended saving my unplanned trip! Not only was I able to cross the border without a problem, I also paid less than the fee for Americans, which was about 3 times more.

Taking a Small Plane to Ambergris Caye

Considering that I had lost some time and I did not want to waste any minute of exploring Belize I took the first flight to Ambergris Caye. This was a new and fun experience for me! The flight was very inexpensive only $49 dollars each way for a 20-minute short flight it almost seemed unreal. I had never seen such a small plane; it was more like a jet. How often does one get to sit behind the pilot and see him in action? Well, that is exactly what I was able to experience. I was right behind the pilot watching him as he was taking us to Ambergris Caye. This was definitely not planned, but I sure enjoyed it!

Arriving to Ambergris Caye- The Fun Begins!

The feelings of happiness emerged once I arrived to Ambergris Caye. I had a hotel booked so I was not worried any more. The town and people seemed lovely so I was sure I was going to have a great time! I was ready to explore and eat some good food! As soon as I got to the hotel I changed into something comfortable and got ready to go out and see the town and figure out what to do for the next 2 days. I was surprised to see that US dollars were accepted or the conversion rate was 1 US for 2 BZD. The prices did seem a little higher than in Mexico, but non the less I was happy to be in a new place! I was able to try some pupusas, which are popular here as well as ceviche, rice, beans and potato salad, which Belize is known for. I was able to explore the island in a golf cart and bicycle and do some activities. After seeing the beauty of Belize the struggles and panic were definitely worth it! Belize marked a very important part of my life as I was able to see that life is an adventure and we must take risks. I was able to get many good things out of this risk I took!

What to Do in Ambergris Caye

  • Explore the island in a gold cart or bicycle
  • Boat Tours
  • Bars and clubs
  • Restaurants
  • Shops
  • The Great Blue Hole
  • Art Galleries
  • Zip lining
  • Secret Beach

I had a great time in Ambergris Caye and can see why there are many Canadians and Americans buying houses in this beautiful island. I recommend visiting this place and taking advantage of the activities it has to offer. Try the food, explore the island and talk to the friendly locals. I am sure you will have a great time here!

Hope you enjoyed this post and always remember to live, laugh and enjoy life! Take risks!

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