Wat Lek Thammakit, an awesome old temple in Ayutthaya period - Part I

Wat Lek Thammakit is located in Nakhon Nayok province, Thailand. (not far away from Bangkok) It is an old temple at the end of the Ayutthaya period.

The name of Wat Lek Thammakit in the Thai language, stating in the white Thai letter as below, means “temple with honor”.

The temple is divided into 2 parts; the old and new area.

It’s an old area that can attract many people to visit most.

To enter the old area, you have to walk through three entrances, called “doors of time”, which were built with bamboo, wood and bricks.

Bamboo door:

Wooden door:

On the wooden door's wall, there are moral words in the Thai language stated on the wall saying that....

“don't let time pass by in vain”.

old brick door:

Stepping inside the old area, you will find the old Ubosot which is more than a hundred years old. There are only some walls and windows remaining that we can trace for the past.

The Ubosot walls are covered with large Bodhi trees and roots which becomes an awesome natural arts and architecture as well.

There is a small pavilion in the middle of the Ubosot where the Buddha image is enshrined.

People come to pay respect and make some merit for good fortune.

This Ubosot is one of the fascinating and important spots for photography.

p.s. Will provide you with more photos in my next posts.

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