Busy Day

Today has been a day of journeying to and fro.

As evening was drawing on I had to journey over the river to Plymouth (Devon, UK).

Coming from Cornwall it is a journey of many miles to avoid the Tamar River. Here, near Plymouth, the options are by bridge or by ferry (there are a couple of foot ferry options & the ones described below).

From Torpoint, the town I now live in, the trio of chainlink ferries is the best option.

The picture here shows on of these ferries mid-stream, while a vicious little storm was blowing. The brightness of the lights indicates that ambient light was darker than the picture suggests, and the blur shows the wind was really blustery.

With Plymouth being a Royal Navy Dockyard we have many warships in and out. Here is a picture of one taken at the same time as the above picture, but looking down river. The frigate is at the last mooring on Hamoaze, which is the name for this stretch of the Tamar River.
It is not a long way from where the ferries run, but in the squalling wind and rain looks distant and a little like a fuzzy picture taken by a cold war era spy notnused to their camera.

Pictures and words by stuartcturnbull

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