Maitreya Buddha Carved on The Rock in Beopjoo-sa Yemple

There was a rock near the golden plated bronze Buddha statue.
It was really nice looking rocks.
At first time I thought it as an usual rocks.


As getting closer, the Buddha carved on the rock came into my eyes.
It is said this Buddha had been carved in Goryeo dynasty about 1000 years ago.



The whole description was very delicate and excellent.




The style of the face in Buddha statue was as similar as other carved Buddhas which I had seen before in Seoul.

I took the pic in Bota-sa temple in May, this year



But in my view, this work seemed to be strongly influenced from India.
Look its thin waist. It is not easy to see that kind of thin waist in Korean Buddhas of traditional Carvings and Sculptures.

There were several writings carved on the rocks, but most of them were unreadable.
Many people had carved their name on the wall to be remembered forever.
But time is very cruel, it erased slowly but definitely those names on the wall.
The name only remembered by people could be longer.



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