Travels Through Morocco - Atlas Mountains, Part Two

Final day in Marrakech and the Atlas Mountains, and what a treat to end on...

As promised in my last post, here is the second part of the Atlas Mountains trek and a final goodbye to the beautiful city of Marrakech.

As we drove higher and higher into the mountains, the road became steeper until we stopped at the foot of a fast flowing river containing absolutely crystal clear water. In front of us was a path winding up the mountain, with several bridges without any railings. It was soon clear that we had to cross them. As seen in the picture below, the bridge was narrow - only wide enough for one person to cross at a time. To make things worse, it was a bridge that consisted of several rudimentary planks of wood without any sides, hence one small slip and we were in for a wet time. Luckily there were some eateries along the way that helped replenish us.

Thankfully we made it across, and climbed higher and higher. The path turned steeper and steeper until eventually we were simply clambering up boulders and mini waterfalls. Exhausted, I stumbled across a nice shop on the way, selling ceramic home-made souvenirs. One thing we began to notice as well - it was getting colder. The higher we climbed, the faster the water and the steeper the route became until. Almost ready to give up, we spotted some farmers leading rows of sheep across the cliff edge with incredible skill.

Spurred on by this, we kept on climbing and we're so damn glad we did. Near the summit was an incredible waterfall, with a few tourists who had already performed the climb. Despite the colder air, the cold mist of the water was a refreshing break from the sweaty and arduous climb. As we sat by the waterfall to appreciate the beauty, we climbed back down slowly.

The Atlas Mountains, Morocco

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Sunset over Marrakech, Morocco

We drove back to Marrakech, exhausted but with a satisfying feeling of accomplishment. We knew it was our last night, so we celebrated with the only way that Morocco had taught us. Sipping a refreshing cup of peppermint tea while watching the sun go down at Jemaa El Fna square. If you ever go to Marrakech, make sure to head to the Le Grand Balcon which translates to The Grand Balcony, for simply the best views of the square during sunset. I can guarantee that you won't regret it.

As we regretfully bid goodbye to Marrakech, it was time to prepare for our next destination - Fes. Stay tuned for my next post once we arrive!!



🌏 | Atlas Mountains and Marrakech, Morocco
📷 | Samsung S8
🎨 | Lightroom Mobile edits used

Over the next few weeks I'll be trekking through Morocco and I'll be share with you my thoughts, feelings, tips and warnings about visiting each place along the way. Being a photographer, I will be doing this while sharing my photos with all of you too! I sincerely hope you all enjoy.

Please do follow if you want to keep up with my travel through this wonderful country <3

Any upvotes or resteems are hugely appreciated! Much love, everybody.

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