Japan. Part4.

We have half an hour arrived at a key destination of our journey, the capital of Hokkaido — Sapporo. Inside, everything is crowded so familiar pleasant feeling from the beginning of the substantive phase of the journey. Want to see everything, try everything, go everywhere, but prevent the anchors in the form of road suitcases and bags. It is time to "break camp" in the locker room and despite the late hour, to take an evening stroll around the city.

We descend into the subway to Sapporo station, and there all the same. Just like two years ago in Tokyo, are filled with cleanliness and order. Clumsy schoolgirl pounded couples, no noise, the belated employees in white shirts and dark suits lined up in a queue at the entrance to the carriages.

Then, a few days later, I was trying to understand is the Japan that I saw 2 years ago from what appeared before me now. Because the autumn of 2010. in Japan, there was so many events. Of course, my degree of immersion in Japanese life absolutely not enough to talk about it with a high degree of objectivity, but on a superficial, narrow-minded level, I saw only one significant difference: the number of iPhones per capita ))) In General, if all of Japan went with their characteristic phones-clamshell phones not working abroad, but now the iPhone on the iPhone. Apparently, a passion for everything American has left a great interest in this brand of the phone itself, and get what happened.
And as for the rest, I saw again all that remained in my memory a couple of years ago. And it's perfect!

Continue the road to the hotel. It was not as straight as the metro line between the stations Sapporo Nakajima Koen. Not a very good sign it was already at least that at the exit of the station the road to the hotel we undertook to explain to the Japanese, who are well uttered the sound "l" in the word "Lawson" ))) But seriously, I have several carefully prepared in advance map and to my surprise, it was empirically found that in Sapporo (as in other cities of the world) is full of hotels, the title of which includes the word "Annex". In General, we had an extra 15 minutes to wander the narrow streets before I decided for sure to find out from the employee the first available close to the hotel. Good hotels in Sapporo (wanted to say "As dirt", but realized that for Japanese cities to use such a characterization ridiculous) full.
I boldly went to the front Desk of a hotel, being sure that I will not refuse to help. The next discovery for me was that Sapporo is really hard to find English speaking staff. Even in the hotels! With all responsibility I declare that English is the language of Hokkaido is not more useful than chopsticks when eating soup: you can try, but it's better with a spoon. That is why my, albeit extremely primitive knowledge of Japanese was super helpful and facilitated our stay.
On several of the most useful for tourists in Japan the phrases I will try not to forget to say in one of the following chapters.

And in the meantime we use the clues found our hotel. Like I said, the cheapest that I managed to find via the Internet. I'll tell you, we never regretted not to pay more.
Here is the link to the hotel website, if You're curious:

We met a pretty young employee of the hotel, which incredibly we were pleased that our booking through the Internet know more than we do.

Funny thing was that the reception and the part of the hotel where we lived, in different, almost opposite the buildings.

Paid accommodation card, got the key and secret code. Why not immediately understood, but in Japan it is customary to trust the Japanese. So we decided not to nag and just went in the room.

The entrance to the hotel began with the automatic door that is open to everyone but is not guarded by anyone(!).

There you have the key or not is not important. In theory, this gives access to washing machines, free magazines and a couch where if much "squeeze", and spend the night. Japan: confidence and security.

And in the main hall you can get just by code. He apparently is only valid during your stay and is programmed automatically. Perhaps it is in other countries, but I was not, did not see, for my first time. Just like in a spy movie and movies about robbing banks.

Elevators in Japan are fast, but smooth. The Japanese in General any sudden movements unnecessarily, not love.
This is the floor plan of the hotel, for those who are particularly curious. Our room two hundred and eighth.

And now a short excursion at a cheap Japanese hotel. The room has everything you need and even more. Bed, wardrobe, sofa (the only one filling the room that was in doubt), in the closet everything you need for drying clothes...

... fridge, Desk and chair, TV, air conditioning, some sort of ionizer.

Adapter for electrical appliances is at the reception not always so it is better to take a couple with you from the homeland, and on TV for free is not so many channels. However it is difficult to imagine a madman who will go to Japan to watch TV. But in order to know weather to appreciate the idiocy of Japanese stand-up Comedy shows and to watch baseball — a standard set of channels will be enough...

For example, for me from the first day became a ritual to Wake up and walk around in a t-shirt, wide pants and shales to the nearest combini (so, if anyone knows, call the type of stores in Japan, which are located almost every 100 meters in size with a couple of good rooms, in which you can buy to eat, drink and everything you need; in other words, shop at home in its truest sense) to buy a couple of sandwiches, a thread of the finished dish, a muffin for our very small group of tourists, and in parallel, stepping through the narrow streets of Sapporo, to enjoy working up a sweat Japan.
Walking in Slippers on the net streets, yawning sleepily, Suras from the sun, and let passers-by the Japanese guessing... you're in shorts or without ;)))

Back to picking kitchen in the hotel room will say that you need to be a real maniac or a hard allergic to cook during travel Japan yourself. The country is the root of the sun is so exquisite in the sense of public power that even if you only travel to restaurants, bars and eateries — had enough experiences for a lifetime.
At the bottom, as expected, is automatic in case to store the strength to go no, and the liver still works.

As it turned out later from the hotel to Susukino intersection within 10 minutes walking.

This intersection is known in all over Japan, and abroad are easily recognized famous advertising installations Asahi and Nikka. Beer and Whiskey is better not to interfere, so probably advertising and are located on different sides of the road

It struck me that it was after midnight, and Susukino were the movement of people, there were so many cars, there was a lot of noise. And don't forget, a weekday after midnight! Even in major Russian cities such pandemonium happens is that before the fireworks in the city day. The crossroads of Susukino, of course inferior to the famous Takisha Shibuya-crossing, but the impression is still very powerful. At this intersection is very easy to understand and to feel what there is night life in Japan.

Walk with bulging eyes and open mouth whet the appetite. Ramen in the morning in Wakkanai was great, but it's just not going to. Find where to eat at night, a great was not working. In Japan, it's not much of a problem, as to return home to the seven – clearly not in the Japanese style. That feeds the local catering samplewise and/or overstayers on work sarariman. Well, we also help the recovery of the stagnant Japanese economy, according to the exchange rate, of course! )))

The chef at one eatery to Susukino together with his assistant was, as expected, in the image.

The first one was full of dignity and concentration, and the second worked wonders helpfulness and friendliness. The poor little forehead is not smashed, when I blurted out "about Hitotsu biru kudasai" ("One beer, please"). With such speed ran to the refrigerator that it at least in a rifle load. And on the face of it was such lyba when he served us, that molars can be if you want to consider. But we did not look into the teeth of a gift to the Japanese service and focused on food.
We reach the hotel and fall without legs. All! The day is over.
Tomorrow we have a first look at the capital of Hokkaido in the daylight. In the meantime, dilute a little Russian Japanese snoring quiet night...

p.s. Looking ahead, show what it looks like outside our hotel. The building on the right (with vertical blue label) – it is. In the center of the love hotel (more on that later), and on the left you can see the blue sign that part of the hotel there is a reception. And all this, of course, in the web of cables among the seemingly endless small Japanese alleys.

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