Japan. Part1.

The road to Japan started with an early rise in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Good alarm clock (and preferably two) + 1000 rubles for a taxi to the port of Korsakov (40 km) and You have all the chances to catch the ferry on time. Can be reached by bus (the issue price PE 150), but given that check-in and inspection starts at eight, decided not to risk and not to carry suitcases.

Often during the discussion of the travel programmes on radio,television and Internet forums are told to declare valuables and technique to avoid confusion when entering the country. We had concerns about the Japanese camera. I did not want to pay him a fee if he will be likened to other equipment purchased during the trip. However, the customs officer we were struck by an amazing awareness about the product line of the company "Canon". And together with the information that in the next two weeks to leave the service in customs, he does not intend, laziness finally won and we do not have. As it turned out, "maybe" did not disappoint us. Absolutely no problems when you enter the country arose.

About 200 meters down the pier and we are waiting for the Japanese crew. And at the first approaching it becomes clear... the Next week we expect 120 million friendly, polite people in Japan who are willing to apologize to us about, and without reason, accompanied by his "regret" a nod, if only, God forbid, we would have remained dissatisfied. We are on a floating piece of Japan.

A ticket I forgot, and this is a good sign

And it looks like the port of Korsakov from the ship. Gloomy in rainy weather. Fortunately, I am convinced that the rain "on track" — and that's a good sign.

Well, as they say in our homeland... "let's Go" (although the sailors sure we still went)

For more than five hours we have to cross a little less than 200 km, separating the ports of Korsakov and Wakkanai. Begin to learn Japanese "establishment" in La Perouse Strait.

Steaming Japanese. And he is more Japanese than one would guess. Let's start with the fact that the seats on the floor!!! And what is most terrible for the Russian people — you need to remove your shoes! Fortunately, that paranoia about purity of their own socks, let me boldly suggest your legs as a pillow under the head of the Japanese — neighbors on the ferry. But they still offer shall not have used, though, to apologize and to bow would surely like if my offer was said aloud.

On the ferry three classes. It looks like the third and the simplest. True better second grade I personally could not understand. And comfortable armchairs in the first. But there is quite empty. Even the Japanese are actively ignored.

Six of the platforms are carpeted, small leather pillows. From the Windows a wonderful view of the water. There is a TV, cut if necessary, closed by partitions.

Background information for experts.

On this subject much has been said... But Japan, in addition is the country of the digestive system and all that goes with it. Even ritual suicide they have been through samoborona belly. So, everything from unreal gastronomic delights and ending with toilets, raised to the rank of art and subject matter of the application of the latest scientific developments. Doesn't sound too appetizing, but in Japan differently even begin to relate to the urinal and the toilet. Restoring skills two years ago with the first representative of the Japanese latrines. I must say, pretty standard. The transition to the Japanese style of life turns smoothly. However, there are non-trivial slogan: "don't try to stop the water." Here who-who, and the Japanese this is something I do understand

And here already on the sly starts Japanese tin. While in Lite mode, but still. Traditional (not to be confused with the modern Japanese toilet. Something similar to Soviet style public option, with some minor changes. However, it is necessary to sit here with your back to the door. Unpleasant for the Russian people a surprise. Come to think of it, a reasonable idea. Forget to close — at least in the face do not remember )))

But that's the basic masterpiece! Manual (Russian) on how to use this most traditional toilet. Detailing the nuances are able to produce on the unprepared Russian layman the effect is bigger than the movie in 3D. Keep in mind... stick to the instructions painted on, only the hair on the ass and a turd — everything else — the idea of the author.

Gradually approaching Japan's, used to see the world through the eyes of the local population. Overall, not bad. Almost like in 3D: unclear, but unusual.

Everything in life leaves its mark, which gradually dissolved in the sea of eternity. These thoughts sometimes come to mind, if you long to walk around without a hat in the sea breeze )))

The Japanese guys are hospitable and customer-oriented. All of them are duplicated. Flag two...

... Time, too, there are Russian and Japanese. Who have no clue, say that despite the one time zone in Japan, two hours less than on Sakhalin. It just so happened that the whole Japan is living at the time, coinciding with Irkutsk. So at five o'clock in September on the streets of Japan dark

... Well, on the deck of the Japanese flag at all much more worn than the Russian. Somehow it is not Patriotic for a bit, but the visitors are nice. Our subliminal Imperial expansionist ambitions has not been canceled )))

But as our Russian guys, diplomacy is significantly dominated by sociability and resourcefulness. This guy, whether he wanted to raise stall sellers ferry on the money, whether to teach some kind of card trick

In the end, one, at least, was satisfied, and others at least pretended, that he was satisfied.

Russia blends to Japan by ferry Korsakov - Wakkanai

A group of Japanese children accompanied with a pair of adults. It remains a mystery why this girl is smiling. Either because they were satisfied by Russia, but returned home

Well... it is time for Japanese roulette! That's what I would call what we were given at the entrance for the ferry to the quality of the food. Mixed lunch that you can take with you, in Japan called "Bento". Roughly speaking, it is dinner out. But even despite the fact that this is not my first visit to Japan, to identify in this dining set nothing worked out. And it's really scary. For my personal taste, all the food in Japan is divided into two categories: divine and disgusting ))) But still it often happens that our idea of what should be the taste of a dish based on its appearance is diametrically opposite of reality. That mind has to be sweet is salty, which should be salty is sweet. And the knowledge of this nuance turns the usual Hiking lunch in a jolt of adrenaline rush, akin to visiting a casino ))) we will Understand the details. Surprisingly, the bread turned out with the taste of the bread. That's a good start.

And then there is the Japanese culinary plate... You see a dog, you open the dog, you bite the sausage, and You eat... well, not a sausage. You eat something that looks like her, but adequately sweet. Had the guts, chewed, swallowed. Bread to help us.

Further more. This view reminded drannikov. But the taste of some kind of liquid, abominable, water, and some even sweeter sausage. Eat strength is not enough.

But the Japanese do everything well, so convenient, that's amazing. Here's some jam and butter in the package. Opened so cleverly that to squeeze the whole thing a pleasure.

In General, the lunch was edible, but not very much ))) to Destroy it failed on emotions rather than hunger ) BUT!!! Was found a way to fix it ,which acts, perhaps, in any country of the world

What's that, a conventional but high-quality beer in Japan, no problems quite well, no! Except for the price, but more on that later, as the ferry prices are much lower (duty free, apparently). 100 yen for a jar (about 40 rubles) and memories of Bento washed away without a trace, besides the chips were oksalis quite human. Sort of the "Pringles original"

Filling the belly of the Japanese beer — can finally relax. Only pity is that the girl that sleeps next to me in the photo, I clearly did not like judging by the wall of China, which it fenced off. Suppose she's missing out and relax)))))

Japan is getting closer

Filling the customs Declaration when you enter Japan, the main thing is not to accidentally admit that you bring in weapons, drugs and that you were stealing sticks in sushi bars. Humor this the Japanese just do not understand. Do not understand, rather it and after crossing the customs

The smell of algae and adventures. Week ahead in Japan...

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