It Ain't Easy

With some last minute running around to do in town,

I didn't pull out of Terrace in northern British Columbia until almost 6pm Friday evening. I had hoped to make it to Prince George or a little further that first evening, but exhausted, I pulled into a motel in Burns Lake, a little town well short of Prince George. I would get an early start and be out of BC, across Alberta and maybe even into Saskatchewan before it got too dark on Saturday.

Five days of driving, and five thousand and three kilometers later, I pulled into my sister's driveway in southern Ontario. Canada is a BIG country!

That was yesterday.

I am still a little stressed and road weary. Although undoubtedly it would be a pleasant journey if one had weeks to do it and could stop and smell a couple of roses and take a few photos along the way. The landscape is varied and beautiful. Mountains, valleys, prairies, lakes, rivers, towns, villages and cities: but mostly miles and miles and miles of empty wilderness. And "Watch for Moose" or "Watch for Elk" or "Watch for Deer" crossing the road signs every few miles.

Somehow, I almost always seem to be in a hurry and facing some kind of deadline or other. Someday I want to make the trip when I can stop and spend a day or three wherever strikes my fancy. No more petal to the metal!

I did stop, for a few minutes, and just once, to take some photos. The name on the sign intrigued me:


I'm glad I did stop that once! The panorama was fantastic (there were many, many, many others that were equally or more so, but as I said, a sign had caught my eye at this one) :-)


Oh, if only I could have stopped to set up a tent, start a campfire, and put a hot dog on a stick to roast over it. Why must heaven always wait?




I'll be back, some day this lifetime or next, with a tent, some kindling and some hot dogs!

Over and out,

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