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Thai hotel is not responsible for anything, apparently

I discovered this sign when i was on a nature trail that is behind a hotel i was staying at a cheapish resort in Kuri Buri. It isn't important where it is so don't get too wrapped up in that. It's just a place that is very peaceful and away from the hustle and bustle of the cities.

Thai businesses are notorious for attempting to accommodate their foreign visitors with signs but also at the same time they need to protect themselves from potential lawsuits ( i guess) by alerting us to dangers that exist in certain places.

The translation isn't always the best though and while I am sure you can still get the point of all of this, the wording is pretty funny.

I would imagine that this sign has been all over Instagram and other social media in massive droves but if you haven't yet seen it, here you go.

I guess they are saying that they are not responsible if you hurt yourself but I am not really certain where "corporal harm" comes into it. Perhaps there are some nuns from the 70's out there with rulers just waiting to smack your hands should you step out of line.

Thailand is kind of known for putting up signs all over the place that are in no way legally binding and just say whatever they feel like in order to make people act a certain way. Some examples include

  • putting up homemade "no parking signs"
  • making "dustbin free" areas in order to prevent littering despite the fact that these areas encourage exactly the opposite
  • putting up signs informing you that Uber and Grab are illegal when in fact they are not but the taxi queues simply want to rip you off

The list goes on but i'll leave it at that. I just find it funny that the hotel thinks that this home-made sign somehow alleviates them from any sort of responsibility for injury and to be honest, with or without the sign the rule in Thailand is basically "if you get hurt, it's on you." This is not a country of frivolous personal injury lawsuits like U S and A.