Well, Allow Me to Drop This BOMBSHELL on Ya! ~ #sayonarausa

Sup Hive fam?! Been a hot month since I've really checked in with y'all, and for good reason. I've been a busy, busy bee. Doing what?, you ask. Well, it takes some time to list your house, show it, and then sell it.


Also takes time to sell your favorite car of all time.

Also takes time to sell all of your belongings.

Also, time goes really, really slow when you know the end of an era is commencing, such as the last day at my job, which I put my notice in three weeks ago.

Remember that vacation to PVR I took with my brother a month or so ago? You can refresh yourself here.

Well, it was part vacation, part scout mission.

The scout mission went so well, that for once in my wife and I's life, the puzzle pieces finally fit. The circumstances all around us were telling us, pulling at us, basically screaming at us....

The TIME is NOW!

So we looked at each other and said....now or never.

This #HIVE family is packing up and MOVING to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Technically, a smaller city about 30 minutes north, but you've probably never heard of it, so we'll go with PVR for now.

The facial looks from my GM, my parents, my siblings, my co-workers, friends, and acquaintances varied from sheer shock and disbelief, to "good for you" and "I'm not surprised".

My wife and I have always had a thirst for adventure and change. This will most definitely acquiesce our desires I would think.

Lot's of logistics have been in the works for the past few weeks. We are loading up our Suburban with everything we own that we haven't sold and making the drive. But we are taking our time, and going to stop and visit some people and places along the way.

I look at this road trip as a journey. No time tables really set, no places to be, no man to oblige. Just my family and me and time spent together.

I hope to catalogue this journey for all of you here and I hope you'll follow along.

Wish us luck and as always, thanks for reading.

Oh, and to answer the top few questions I get asked every time I tell someone about this...to save you from asking...

1: No, I don't have a job lined up down there. I have some options, but I'll figure it out.

2: No, we don't have a house or property to live at. We rented and Airbnb for the first month, and will go from there.

3: Yes and no, I speak enough Spanish to get by.

4: Yes and no, I don't really know anyone down there, besides 2 great guys I met while on the scout mission, @pjmetz and @surfersparadise.

5: We are doing this for a lot of reasons. Some personal belief, some based on climate, some based on how we want to spend our short time here on earth, and many others, but those are the prime ones.

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