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Minnesota to Mexico, 5 Day Road Trip FULL VIDEO ~ #mxorbust

As promised, the FULL VIDEO is up and ready for your viewing pleasure. It was a lot of fun, not only to make, but to look back at the whole drive. There are things I wish I had done better, like the border crossing....ugh, I felt so dumb after watching it again. I knew what I was supposed to do, and figured the instructions of how to do so would be so prevalent. But they really weren't, which led to some miscommunication between myself and border patrol.


Then there was the gas scare...besides the white knuckle drive in the mountains of Zacatecas, possibly running out of gas in the middle of BFE was probably the most scary realization of the whole drive.

The scenery overall was quite magnificent.

In the states, I'd say this massive cow ranch in Kansas was the most beautiful. Rolling green hills and gorgeous blue skies went on for literally miles and miles. Just when you thought it was over, it kept going, more cows, more hills, more was very peaceful and serene and I loved every minute of it.

In Mexico, it had to be the mountains of Saltillo and Zacatecas. They were huge, and to see villages and neighborhoods at the foothills of them, was really cool. The culture and way of life in each of the places we passed through was something else. This world is so big, yet can seem so small at the same time. It really put a lot into perspective.

The checkpoints/border crossings were not nearly as scary as some people have made them out to be.

I'm sure if you did have contraband, you would be sweating and would possibly relay your anxiety unknowingly to the border guards...but we had nothing to hide and honestly I think they thought it was funny....or that I was just an idiot gringo not knowing what I was doing. Overall they went fine, albeit took longer than I had anticipated, but no worries.

So to not keep you waiting, here is the video. It's 28 minutes long, so get comfy, grab some popcorn, and hopefully enjoy our travels.

Thanks for reading & watching.

Be sure to follow me here on Hive and on YT if you liked this content.

And let me know your favorite part of the trip in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Much love y'all, peace.