Exploring nature with friends is fun. You guys should try it !!

Adventure with my friends

Here is my photo with my friend in one of the tourist attractions located in the middle aceh, takengon city, Pantan Terong tour is located on the hill that shows the whole city Takengon and the view of Lake Tawar which is so spoil the eye, the weather there is very cool and still very natural karna There are still many pleas.

We spent all day in the city of Takengon and visited the various tourist attractions that exist there such as Princess Pukes cave filled with history, Lake Tawar, Ujung Paking, and many other attractions in the city of Takengon we visited.

This is a photo when we had lunch in a typical takengon of central aceh cuisine


Togetherness that will not be forgotten with my friend, maybe our romance story is not as good as they are but our friend story make everyone envy.

We came home at 5:00 pm after tired of visiting various tourist attractions, our journey home due to problems because my friend's motorcycle was damaged and we had to pause to fix it, after we finished the journey.

It's a photo when we break motorcycle repair


We arrived home at 1:00 am, a long and exhausting but exciting journey with friends.

Thank you for reading my story, please give your feedback below.

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