The International Ecotourism - The Main Advantages

The International Ecotourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the travel industry. Ecotourism is growing at a rate of 10-15% annually. Most people think of ecotourism as visiting remote areas and observing nature. It it this and so much more. The concept of ecotourism combines travel, conservation, preservation of diversity, humanitarianism and even activism.

The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of the local people." Martha Honey the author of  "Ecotourism and Sustainable Development" offers a more in-depth explanation of ecotourism.  In her view there are some basic criteria that must be met to qualify travel as ecotourism. They are as follows:

Involves Travel To Natural Destinations - This includes travel to some of most beautiful and pristine places on Earth. Wildernesses such as jungles, government protected regions,  and  remote areas where the wildlife, the landscape and/or the indigenous people and their cultural are the main draw for tourism.

Minimizes Impact - Tourism of any kind is going to impact the environment. The goal of ecotourism is to minimize the impact that tourism has on a given area. This can be accomplished in several ways. First before you choose your accommodations  you should to research to ensure that where you will be lodging is not exploiting the local residents, or doing more harm to the environment than absolutely necessary. This includes not stripping the surrounding area of its natural resources.  You should also attempt to find out if they have a recycling program and a system in place for the proper disposal of sanitary waste and other trash.  As a tourist there are things that you can do to minimize your impact on the environment such as recycling where possible. Use non-polluting modes of transportation if available. Also if your going to be  exploring or observing the flora and the fauna in any of the most untouched regions you should always stay on designated trails, and never ever leave any trash behind.

Builds Environmental Awareness And Cultural Respect - One of the main goals of ecotourism is education.  Ecotourism should be a learning experience for both the tourist and the local residents.  Before traveling tourist should  research local customs and dress and behave accordingly. You should respect not only the land, but the native people and their culture. Ecotourism is about enriching oneself by experiencing all the biodiversity and cultural diversity that the world has to offer, and by making a commitment to try to  help preserve it.

Provides Direct Financial Benefits For Conservation -  Ecotourism is a major source of funding for  environmental protection projects , environmental  studies, raising public awareness etc.  These  funds  are raised in various ways such as entrance fees for national parks and animal reserves. There are also airline and hotel taxes, and of course private donations from environmentally conscious supporters.

Provides Financial Benefits And Empowerment For Local People - Another key components of ecotourism is ensuring that the local people get their fair share of  the income  that is generated by tourism.  Unfortunately, government and big business are a necessary evil when it comes to the tourism industry, and very often  the pursuit of economic gains leads to depleting the area of natural resources and displacing and exploiting the native people. ecotourism only exists where the local community benefits both directly through employment or entrepreneurship, or indirectly by improved quality of life with things such as healthcare, better infrastructure and more sanitary living conditions. The should also be protected from displacement and have a voice in the future development in their homeland.  Tourist can help ensure that money stays in the community by buying local goods in shops owned by people from the community.  They can also use local guides and only stay in establishments that employ locals and pay them a fair wage.

Supports Human Rights And Democratic Movements - Before traveling to a foreign country an ecotourist should be aware of the current social and political climate there.  You should learn if there are any boycotts or economic sanctions against the host country that have been set forth in an effort to force a government  to recognize, uphold and defend the rights of its citizens. If a situation such as this arises you must decide whether the short-term benefits that local people will get from tourism dollars today outweighs the greater good of long-term permanent changes that will improve the standard of living for future generations.

Ecotourism is a noble endeavor. The fact that there is no international standard or certification process leaves a lot to one's own interpretation of ecotourism. The increase in demand for ecotourism has led many companies to try to cash in on the boom by claiming to give eco tours. Many of the company do not adhere to the principles of ecotourism. If you think you may be interested in ecotourism you should be prepared to do plenty of research and ask plenty of questions.This will help to ensure that the vendors that you chose to deal with are committed to not only providing an enjoyable and enriching travel experience to their client,  but also to minimizing the impact or tourism on the land, the wildlife and the people who call your vacation destination home.

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