7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - European Thursday week #126

WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT

Hello fellow Steemians!

Welcome to my 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - European Thursday.

Today, you can participate by submitting your personal pictures from your travels to the continent of Europe.

Please see the winner of the last week´s European Thursday @drmincu with the following entry:

Dunyvaig Castle built on Islay, Scotland is a castle dating back to the 12th century AD when it was built atop a wooden Fort. Its ruins now overlook Lagavulin Distillery. An amazing relic on the seashore.


Your entries need to be submitted by 8 A.M. Central European Time in order to be considered for the challenge with a description of approximately 30 to 50 words.

Only use of personal images will be accepted and only one picture can be submitted for a daily photo challenge.

Best 10 entries will receive a 10% upvote and other valid entries will get a 5% upvote from me. Out of those best 10 entries, one winner and one runner-up will be picked. Their entries will be shared on Appics in separate posts and they will receive my upvotes on their posts as the reward. The winner will get my 100% upvote and the runner-up will get my 50% upvote on Steemit and on Appics too if their posts were posted through Appics.

For more information about the 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge and its rules & conditions, please see the latest update post.


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