THE LAND OF FIRE AND ICE...ICELAND (original movie) Hitchhiking and trekking for a month in Iceland. To say I was speechless would be an understatement.

Iceland - A place where myth and legend is all around you.
The first time that I set foot on Iceland's soil I felt as if I had just walked onto the set of Lord of the Rings or a place that had yet to be touched by any life. On the bus ride from the airport to Reykjavik one cant help but be captivated by what is surrounding you. To my left was an ocean full of spiky peaks jutting from a frigid atlantic lagoon while to my right were 4 thousand ft snow capped peaks shrouded in deep grey clouds with steam from geisers covering the foot hills. The road that we were on had been carved through sharp lava rock that was covered in 400 year old moss. To say that I was speechless would be an understatement.
The island of fire and ice has a circumference of of 828 miles and a population of 323 thousand, making much of it uninhabited and perfect for nature lovers. Though the landscape is next to that of Mordor (middle earth), the people are some of the most friendly kind hearted humans that I have ever met. A friend and I spent just shy of a month hitchhiking around Iceland and not once did we have to wait longer than 20 minutes. We did have a strategy of dancing whenever cars drove by with the overall goal of seeing how many people we could make smile but i'm going to just say that it was the kindness of the country that led to us having rides everywhere.
From 600 ft tall waterfalls to glaciers so big that they were hard to comprehend Iceland is a place that all should visit and least once in their life. I truly fell in love with the country and its people. I have put together one of my best videos yet that covers the entire trip. I hope that you enjoy. If anyone is planning a trip Id love to give yo some hints to where magic happens!
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