Rafting Wih Pesangan

The Gayo highlands are rich in potential. The fertile soil like a piece of paradise is supported by a beautiful panorama of nature. Gayo arabica coffee, a prima donna mainstay of the economy nearly 80 percent of its people.


Gayo Region, especially Central Aceh today, became one of the tourist destinations in Aceh. Tourism potential here continues to clean up. Overlapping Lake Lut with the charm of endemic fish depik (rasbora tawarensis), become an interesting natural tourist icon visited by local and foreign tourists.


One of the challenging tours is . Rafting Wih Pesangan starts operating in late 2017. Starting from the desire of athletes Federation Rafting Infonesia (FAJI) Central Aceh to continue to hone his skills in this extreme sport, has a qualified equipment as a means of supporting the exercise, then developed as one of the potent natural tourist attractions visited.


Armed with that, athletes and administrators FAJI Central Aceh create a business container under the name of Cooperative Nature Tourism Service Gayo, with one of usahannya rafting.


Although only aged corn, but the presence of rafting tour is able to attract tourists. Not just local, but also outside area. This object is increasingly crowded especially on holidays.


Human resource issues, no doubt, visitors will be guided by skippers who are proficient and skilled at piloting inflatable boats that are used in the sport of this tour.


Track track that was presented was not classified as extreme, only grade 1 dab 2 only. So that all people can enjoy the natural scenery of rice fields and reptiles that live in the river along the track track that starts from the Bridge (Gayo: Totor) Lukup Badak, Pegasing Subdistrict, Central Aceh.


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