More STEEM token with the same article by reaching more audience: How?

Simply by expanding the audience of an article on the STEEM platform. This will be done by enabling an instant translation of any article published on STEEM. The profit generated will be share between the translator, the original author and the validator.

When you speak and write English, you are a lucky man. Stem’s articles are almost all writing in English. I assume that there are many authors out there, willing to publish good articles in their original language but there is no way to do it. In addition, I assume that authors that have published their articles in English will be very happy to reach more audience in many more languages and make more STEEM.

The questions is:

How do we make it possible, fair and decentralized?

We make it possible by upgrading the STEEM platform so that once the author has published his article, any other capable STEMMIAN can translate this article it into any another language.

Any token earn from the translated version of the article will be share between the author, the translator and the validator (50% author, 30% translator, 20% validator).

The author is the owner of the article. He has published it in his mother language. For one article, there is only one author.

The translator is the one who translate the original article in any other language. For one article, there may be many translators. At least one translator per language.

Validator is the one who checks the accuracy between the translated version and the original version.

The system is fair since everyone is getting some share of the extra generate STEEMs. The author, the translator and the validator.
There will be a way to build trust for validators. It will be build with the time and the quality of translations within the STEEM ecosystem.

Now, I have thrown the bottle in the see. If there is strong community liking the idea, I will create a small group (on telegram) in a very near future in order for us to explore and bring this idea to live.

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