How to biohack your intelligence


I recommend this article to anyone who has transhumanist leanings and wants to know what it will take to be part of the elite vanguard. you might find this disturbing, interesting and unsettling, as they never get done with the behaviors you can change in life, especially if you measure yourself by this cloth.

Here we have a portrait of what modern functional transhumanism actually is and how a person with enough material resources and know-how can implement the transhumanist ideals of interacting and merging with machine Networks and manifesting long life, perfect health, and complete focus.

How do you do this? Lifestyle drugs and other forms of biohacking mental and physical, having a team of people around you that are going to see that you reach the milestone of 160 plus years, and having a mental mind set that can disregard nearly all of distractions of Modern Life.

I’m a cliche Silicon Valley techie —Russian, Stanford, YCombinator, started a couple large/successful companies, working in artificial intelligence now (Mirror Emoji Keyboard, basically using the popularity of emoji as a backdoor into building the most powerful face-perception AI in the world).

My previous article detailed how, as a 32-year old with no medical problems, I spent ~$200k on enhancing my health. Thousands of tests, medical teams, dozens of prescription drugs.

I openly posted all my data. It shows many health benefits — 3–4x reduction in body fat, very high athletic performance (VO2Max ~70), negligible inflammatory processes, >80% increase in testosterone, and improvements to many biomarkers of aging.

Biohacking works.

The article became extremely popular and reached millions of readers. Many of you loved it. Many of you felt anger and fear. Aggressive bioenhancement of human abilities has long been a sci-fi dream/nightmare.

And (if you read the previous article) here is concrete evidence and a lot of data that show it is already working.

I think that what we are doing with biohacking is the beginning of humanity’s split into separate species. Enhanced posthumans who will make all the decisions (and who will likely come from the tech communities of Silicon Valley and China). “Basic humans,” who will (maybe) be taken care of well, but will have no real say in what happens.

The reason this cataclysmic shift is coming: intelligence can already be enhanced.

Yes I know it's a very long article but I think you'll find it absorbing💡☺️
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