Penny explains things; Episode #3: Penny Explains TERF "victimhood" and why its all they have.

So in skimming through the pages of Steemit today I was caught by a couple of new TERF accounts bouncing up from the pubescent goo puddle that has to exist somewhere. First, selfie
I like too clap at TERFS with a selfie, fuck it must hurt to know how much better I look even with how much more I had to go through to find my womanhood!

So for those that are unaware TERF stands for Trans exclusionary radical feminist, and with zero exceptions they are very unholsem people.

I for one have never gotten into groups who call for then carry out the wholesale erasure and murder of other humans. I feel as if I, a sane and rational female human, where to sit in a room full of people and they began to talk about how inhuman and undeserving a marganilized group of humans was and how badley they needed silenced and to have there rights stripped away, would leave that room full of horrible people and never go back but nope! Not TERF's, they eat that "kill the trans" shit for breakfast. Bad people, doing horrible things, for no good reason. Safe too say not my kinda people but here's the thing, I know they are here and I simply avoid them, because I don't need some white middle class mother of four to tell me her opinion. The world knows your under educated, misinformed, white privileged, hate filled opinion, karen! Your not special or original. Stop with the snowflake shit.

Getting mad, Unicorn helps break the tension.
And double dog fuckin stop trying to play the reverse victim game then TAG YOUR FUCKING POST WITH THE TRANS TAG. YOU ARE MENTAL if you think anyone here is stupid enough to not get your picking a fight. This is not facebook. We are all educated and woke as shit. You are in the realm of the anarchists. We follow the non aggression principal. But tell ya what, keep clapping. I hear ya.

One day you might be important enough for me to clap back.
Line Of Impact Pink.jpg
Victimised communities are not harrasing you when you start shouting for there death and they shout back. Maybe, just fuck a day maybe you should not dehuminize, marginalize, and wish death upon people. Then see the open doors you get. Your the reason my trans son has had to move too four different schools in his life. You get no sympathy, especially when you tag up looking for a fight. Learn the way polite educated society works or get smacked back.

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