Transgenderism. A Logical Look. Part 1

He makes sense - common decent sense. This video was only posted on YouTube a few hours ago, so there is no Part 2 yet.

Not that I think it will matter, since less than a handful of people at Steemit read the posts or watch the videos, they just send bid bots to make me feel happy and noticed (cared for is a different matter, that would cost them more time and effort). I am only making this post so that they have somewhere nice to send their bots at 2% power. :)

I hope this provided you with some words and ideas if your child comes home and tells you he/she is no longer of the born sex. I know, your first impulse will be to find that ef*ing teacher and bash them to a pulp, but that will cause you problems and will not really help the child. You need a commonsense attitude like the person in this video, but toned down to suit the age and mind of your child. Once you have helped your child, what you do then...I just hope you are intelligent and careful.

PS: If you have a trans in your life and cannot take it/he/she or whatever anymore, be nice and buy them a holiday for three months in Saudi Arabia. Beautiful sand, good food and...friendly people :) will make them feel appreciated.

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