Soulful Seamstress Discerning Artful Eyeclopedia

Soulful Seamstress discerning artful Eyeclopedia

Visceral objectives for the advanced designer/ How to see creatively!
An study of your visceral objectives will always ask your soul for more, or what’s next. One perception inquiry will spurn the next idea. We can scour through our favorite magazine and Be excited by the images of incredible gotta have pieces, and still do not see our own truth is the story being portrayed in the images. So we must become co-creators with source to develop our own visceral instincts.

We Cosmic Beings are notably different, wonderfully special and genuinely unique to our personalities, heritage, cultures, and ideals.
We must find our rhythm, listen to our internal music which vibrates constantly if we can tune within.
Finding your own voice can enhance your life in every aspect. It may encourage supreme satisfaction in your abilities, build your confidence and definately help you to see life more creatively and S.T.I.T.C.H more conversations.
─S.t.i.t.c.h Stitch truth and inspiration through courage and harmony!
Angela Dear
Soulful Seamstress
Oak Park, IL 60302
Most Designers have a creed to which they apply their personal organizational guidelines to completing the wonderful designs we see on the runways, magazine and without exception our street “chic” personalities. Fashion Bloggers have created empires based on concepts and fashions from many relevant designers. I am screaming “ I am an Individual” to all sharing this vibrational tone. Finding your Voice requires a soul connection to who you are and your supreme objective.
I believe that is what our purpose truly is.
Encouraging your voice to sing will require the courage to dig into your core and take risk and come from source to be heard and to be inspirational.
Finding that voice first of all is internal, but will require some developing tools.
The “Eye” can be cultivated be adopting these objectives when creating. You will find yourself instinctively examining every aspect of your life through a soulful lens because it will on more personal levels, making sharper connections with self and creativity.

How to use the information in the book
Absorb this book and it’s valuable information
See the concepts in all aspects of your life, and try to apply any aspects to your design objectives and/or your everyday activities
Keep setting new goals daily
All the definition here are merely ideals, you must as a God’s light being develop you own aesthetics. Your truth is more important than adding more rules to your objectives.
Your challenge is to be Uniquely You, and to acquire a more defined transformational style. Connection to source will guide you along the way to greater confidence and your” Soul Shall find her voice.
Soulful Seamstress discerning artful Eyeclopedia

Asymmetry \ ey-sim-i-tree\ n
Not symmetrical, without balance,

[ bahy- uhs]

a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned:illegal bias against older job applicants; the magazine’s bias toward art rather than photography; our strong bias in favor of the idea.

unreasonably hostile feelings or opinions about a social group; prejudice: accusations of racial bias.

an oblique or diagonal line of direction, especially across a woven fabric.

Statistics. a systematic as opposed to a random distortion of a statistic as a result of sampling procedure.

Electronics. the application of a steady voltage or current to an active device, as a diode or transistor, to produce a desired mode of operation.


a solid mass of wood, stone, etc., usually with one or more flat or approximately flat faces.

a hollow masonry building unit of cement, terra cotta, etc.: a wall made of concrete blocks.

one of a set of cube-shaped pieces of wood, plastic, or the like, used as a child's toy in building.

a mold or piece on which something is shaped or kept in shape: a hat block.

a piece of wood used in the art of making woodcuts or wood engravings.
A large, solid piece of material typically with flat surface on each side

[k uh- lek-sh uhn]

the act of collecting.

something that is collected; a group of objects or an amount of material accumulated in one location, especially for some purpose or as a result of some process: a stamp collection; a collection of unclaimed hats in the checkroom; a collection of books on Churchill.

the works of art constituting the holdings of an art museum: a history of the museum and of the collection.

the gathered or exhibited works of a single painter, sculptor, etc.: an excellent Picasso collection.

the various holdings of an art museum organized by category, as painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, or film: the director of the collections.

the clothes or other items produced by a designer, especially for a seasonal line: the spring collection.

a sum of money collected, especially for charity or church use.

Manège. act of bringing or coming into a collected attitude.

[ kuhl-er]

the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue.

the natural appearance of the skin, especially of the face; complexion: She has a lovely color.

a ruddy complexion: The wind and sun had given color to the sailor's face.

a blush: His remarks brought the color to her face.

vivid or distinctive quality, as of a literary work: Melville's description of a whaling voyage is full of color.

[k uhn- struhk-sh uhn]

the act or art of constructing.

the way in which a thing is constructed: a building of solid construction.

something that is constructed; a structure.

the occupation or industry of building: He works in construction.

explanation or interpretation, as of a law, a text, or an action.

[ verb k uhn- trast, kon-trast; noun kon-trast]

to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.

to exhibit unlikeness on comparison with something else; form a contrast.

Linguistics. to differ in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings: The sounds (p) and (b) contrast in the words “pin” and “bin.”

the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted.

a striking exhibition of unlikeness.

a person or thing that is strikingly unlike in comparison: The weather down here is a welcome contrast to what we're having back home.

opposition or juxtaposition of different forms, lines, or colors in a work of art to intensify each element's properties and produce a more dynamic expressiveness.

Photography. the relative difference between light and dark areas of a print or negative.

Television. the brightness ratio of the lightest to the darkest part of the television screen image.

Linguistics. a difference between linguistic elements, especially sounds, that can serve to distinguish meanings.

[dee-k uhn- struhk-sh uhn]

a philosophical and critical movement, starting in the 1960s and especially applied to the study of literature, that questions all traditional assumptions about the ability of language to represent reality and emphasizes that a text has no stable reference or identification because words essentially only refer to other words and therefore a reader must approach a text by eliminating any metaphysical or ethnocentric assumptions through an active role of defining meaning, sometimes by a reliance on new word construction, etymology, puns, and other word play.

[dih- rek-sh uhn, dahy-]

the act or an instance of directing.

the line along which anything lies, faces, moves, etc., with reference to the point or region toward which it isdirected: The storm moved in a northerly direction.

the point or region itself: The direction is north.

a position on a line extending from a specific point toward a point of the compass or toward the nadir or the zenith.

a line of thought or action or a tendency or inclination: the direction of contemporary thought.

instruction or guidance for making, using, etc.: directions for baking a cake.

order; command.

management; control; guidance; supervision: a company under good direction.

a directorate.

the name and address of the intended recipient as written on a letter, package, etc.

decisions in a stage or film production as to stage business, speaking of lines, lighting, and general presentation.

the technique, act, or business of making such decisions, managing and training a cast of actors, etc.

the technique, act, or business of directing an orchestra, concert, or other musical presentation or group.

Music. a symbol or phrase that indicates in a score the proper tempo, style of performance, mood, etc.

a purpose or orientation toward a goal that serves to guide or motivate; focus: He doesn't seem to have any direction in life.


to cover or hang with cloth or other fabric, especially in graceful folds; adorn with drapery.

to adjust (curtains, clothes, etc.) into graceful folds, attractive lines, etc.

to arrange, hang, or let fall carelessly: Don't drape your feet over the chair!

Medicine/Medical, Surgery. to place cloth so as to surround (a part to be examined, treated, or operated upon).

(in reinforced-concrete construction) to hang (reinforcement) in a certain form between two points before pouring the concrete.

to put a black cravat on (a flagstaff) as a token of mourning.

to hang, fall, or become arranged in folds, as drapery: This silk drapes well.

a curtain or hanging of heavy fabric and usually considerable length, especially either of a pair for covering a window and drawn open and shut horizontally.

either of a pair of similar curtains extending or draped at the sides of a window, French doors, or the like as decoration.

manner or style of hanging: the drape of a skirt.

[em- bel-ish-m uhnt]

an ornament or decoration.

a fictitious addition, as to a factual statement.

the act of embellishing.

state of being embellished.

[ fuhngk-sh uhn]

the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.

any ceremonious public or social gathering or occasion.

a factor related to or dependent upon other factors: Price is a function of supply and demand.

Sociology. the contribution made by a sociocultural phenomenon to an ongoing social system.

to perform a specified action or activity; work; operate: The computer isn't functioning now. He rarely functions before noon.

to have or exercise a function; serve: In earlier English the present tense often functioned as a future. This orange crate can function as a chair.

[ ley-er]

a thickness of some material laid on or spread over a surface: a layer of soot on the window sill; two layers of paint.

bed; stratum: alternating layers of basalt and sandstone.

a person or thing that lays: a carpet layer.

a hen kept for egg production.

one of several items of clothing worn one on top of the other.

Ropemaking. a machine for laying rope or cable.

to make a layer of.

to form or arrange in layers.

to arrange or wear (clothing) in layers: You can layer this vest over a blouse or sweater.

Horticulture. to propagate by layering.

to separate into or form layers.

(of a garment) to permit of wearing in layers; be used in layering: Frilly blouses don't layer well.


a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page.

Mathematics. a continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.

something arranged along a line, especially a straight line; a row or series: a line of trees.

a number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turns at or for something; queue.

something resembling a traced line, as a band of color, a seam, or a furrow: lines of stratification in rock.
[moh- teef]

a recurring subject, theme, idea, etc., especially in a literary, artistic, or musical work.

a distinctive and recurring form, shape, figure, etc., in a design, as in a painting or on wallpaper.

a dominant idea or feature: the profit motif of free enterprise.

[ moov-m uhnt]

the act, process, or result of moving.

a particular manner or style of moving.

actions or activities, as of a person or a body of persons.

Military, Naval. a change of position or location of troops or ships.

abundance of events or incidents.

rapid progress of events.

the progress of events, as in a narrative or drama.

Fine Arts. the suggestion of motion in a work of art, either by represented gesture in figurative painting or sculpture or by the relationship of structural elements in a design or composition.

a progressive development of ideas toward a particular conclusion: the movement of his thought.

a series of actions or activities intended or tending toward a particular end: the movement toward universal suffrage.

the course, tendency, or trend of affairs in a particular field.

a diffusely organized or heterogeneous group of people or organizations tending toward or favoring a generalized common goal: the antislavery movement; the realistic movement in art.

the price change in the market of some commodity or security: an upward movement in the price of butter.

bowel movement.

the working parts or a distinct portion of the working parts of a mechanism, as of a watch.

Prosody. rhythmical structure or character.

Negative Shape
Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space occasionally is used to artistic effect as the "real" subject of an image.


[ pat-ern; British pat-n]

a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.

decoration or ornament having such a design.

a natural or chance marking, configuration, or design: patterns of frost on the window.

a distinctive style, model, or form: a new pattern of army helmet.

a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement: the behavior patterns of teenagers.

an original or model considered for or deserving of imitation: Our constitution has been a pattern for those of many new republics.

anything fashioned or designed to serve as a model or guide for something to be made: a paper pattern for a dress.

a sufficient quantity of material for making a garment.

the path of flight established for an aircraft approaching an airport at which it is to land.

a diagram of lines transmitted occasionally by a television station to aid in adjusting receiving sets; test pattern.

Metallurgy. a model or form, usually of wood or metal, used for giving the shape of the interior of a mold.

Numismatics. a coin, either the redesign of an existing piece or the model for a new one, submitted for authorization as a regular issue.

an example, instance, sample, or specimen.

to make or fashion after or according to a pattern.

to cover or mark with a pattern.

to make or fall into a pattern.



to produce (a text, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, plates, blocks, or the like, to paper or other material either by direct pressure or indirectly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller.

to reproduce (a design or pattern) by engraving on a plate or block.

to form a design or pattern upon, as by stamping with an engraved plate or block: to print calico.

to cause (a manuscript, text, etc.) to be published in print.

to write in letters like those commonly used in print: Print your name on these forms.

Computers. to produce (data) in legible alphanumeric or graphic form.

to indent or mark by pressing something into or upon (something).

to produce or fix (an indentation, mark, etc.), as by pressure.

to impress on the mind, memory, etc.

to fingerprint.

to apply (a thing) with pressure so as to leave an indentation, mark, etc.: The horses printed their hoofs on the wet grass.

Photography. to produce a positive picture from (a negative) by the transmission of light.

to take impressions from type, an engraved plate, etc., as in a press.

to produce by means of a reproduction process: to print in color; to print unevenly.

to make an image by means of ink, chemical action, etc., as type, engraved plates, etc.: This type is too worn to print cleanly.

to write in characters such as are used in print: He'd rather print than use longhand.

to follow the vocation of a printer.

the state of being printed.

printed lettering, especially with reference to character, style, or size: This print is too large for footnotes.

printed material.

a printed publication, as a newspaper or magazine.


a picture, design, or the like, printed from an engraved or otherwise prepared block, plate, etc.

an indentation, mark, etc., made by the pressure of one body or thing on another.

something with which an impression is made; a stamp or die.

a fingerprint.

something that has been subjected to impression, as a pat of butter.

Photography. a picture, especially a positive made from a negative.

any reproduced image, as a blueprint.

Movies, Television. a positive copy of a completed film or filmed program ready for showing; release print.

of, for, or comprising newspapers and magazines: print media.

print in, Photography. burn.

print out, Computers. to make a printout of.

out of print (of a book or the like) no longer available for purchase from the publisher.

[sil-oo- et]

a two-dimensional representation of the outline of an object, as a cutout or configurational drawing, uniformly filled in with black, especially a black-paper, miniature cutout of the outlines of a person's face in profile.

the outline or general shape of something: the slim silhouette of a skyscraper.

a dark image outlined against a lighter background.

to show in or as if in a silhouette.

Printing. to remove the background details from (a halftone cut) so as to produce an outline effect.


the quality of a distinct object or body in having an external surface or outline of specific form or figure.

this quality as found in some individual object or body form: This lake has a peculiar shape.

something seen in outline, as in silhouette: A vague shape appeared through the mist.

an imaginary form; phantom.

an assumed appearance; guise: an angel in the shape of a woman.


[ sur-fis]

the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing; outermost or uppermost layer or area.

any face of a body or thing: the six surfaces of a cube.

extent or area of outer face; superficial area.

the outward appearance, especially as distinguished from the inner nature: to look below the surface of a matter.

Geometry. any figure having only two dimensions; part or all of the boundary of a solid.

land or sea transportation, rather than air, underground, or undersea transportation.

Aeronautics. an airfoil.

of, on, or pertaining to the surface; external.

apparent rather than real; superficial: to be guilty of surface judgments.

of, relating to, or via land or sea: surface mail.

Linguistics. belonging to a late stage in the transformational derivation of a sentence; belonging to thesurface structure.

to finish the surface of; give a particular kind of surface to; make even or smooth.

to bring to the surface; cause to appear openly: Depth charges surfaced the sub. So far we've surfaced no applicants.

to rise to the surface: The submarine surfaced after four days.

to work on or at the surface.

[ sim-i-tree]

the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point; regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts.

the proper or due proportion of the parts of a body or whole to one another with regard to size and form; excellence of proportion.

beauty based on or characterized by such excellence of proportion.

Physics. a property of a physical system that is unaffected by certain mathematical transformations as, for example, the work done by gravity on an object, which is not affected by any change in the position from which the potential energy of the object is measured.

[trans- pair- uhn-see, - par-]

the quality or state of being transparent.

something transparent, especially a picture, design, or the like on glass or some translucent substance, made visible by light shining through from behind.
[ teks-cher]

the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface: rough texture.

the characteristic structure of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands, or the like, that make up a textile fabric: coarse texture.

the characteristic physical structure given to a material, an object, etc., by the size, shape, arrangement, and proportions of its parts: soil of a sandy texture; a cake with a heavy texture.

an essential or characteristic quality; essence.

the quality given, as to a musical or literary work, by the combination or interrelation of parts or elements.

a rough or grainy surface quality.

anything produced by weaving; woven fabric.

to give texture or a particular texture to.

to make by or as if by weaving.

[ vol-yoom, -y uhm]

a collection of written or printed sheets bound together and constituting a book.

one book of a related set or series.

a set of issues of a periodical, often covering one year.

History/Historical. a roll of papyrus, parchment, or the like, or of manuscript.

the amount of space, measured in cubic units, that an object or substance occupies.

a mass or quantity, especially a large quantity, of something: a volume of mail.

amount; total: the volume of sales.

the degree of sound intensity or audibility; loudness: to turn up the volume on a radio.

fullness or quantity of tone.

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