Traffic Koans [Day 26]

This is Day 26 of the 30-day Traffic Koans contest. Details on how to enter can be found here:


Two friends were huddled close together, staring at a mobile phone. One was flipping through several pictures of women, while the other sought to offer judgement.

"How 'bout her?" the observer queried.

"Pass," the flipper quickly dismissed.


"Too skinny."

"Oh huh... I never took you for someone who likes 'em curvy. How 'bout her?"

"Too pale."

"For someone who's deathly pale, you're quite picky aren't you? There! Nice curves, tan skin."


"What is it now?"

"She looks like she has a high-pitched voice."


Yesterday's koan talked about how opportunistic some taxi drivers could be, but for part two of this mini two part koan series that centers on taxis, I wanted to discuss a phenomenon that has plagued many Filipinos from time immemorial. I'm talking about those taxi drivers who are picky about their passengers.

I mean, yeah I get it. It's their prerogative to reject passengers that they find suspicious, but come on. Whenever you don't pick up a decent looking fellow in favor of a sexy, beautiful girl, then there's really something odd afoot. Or, whenever you ask a person's destination and reject the fare because you're already docking and it's out of the way. What if it's your child in that position? Would you feel happy about your child being rejected for those reasons? Compassion is key, people.

I wanted to pair these two issues up because I wanted to discuss some recent developments surrounding taxis in the country. Taxi groups are complaining that they're not getting passengers because of the rise of Uber and other on-demand ride service apps. All the while, there's a collective facepalm all over the internet. I mean, how could they be so naive?

With all of the complaints against them, and how majority of the taxi drivers are scumbags, why would they place the blame on companies that offer better alternatives? In the first place, commuters wouldn't gravitate towards the more expensive option if taxi drivers just did what they're intended to do—that is to provide a safe and reliable experience to passengers. They're blaming others for the mess that they have made.

Working in tandem with one of the stupidest departments in today's government, they were even successful in suspending Uber from operating. They made up bullshit excuses about Uber being the cause of traffic or Uber is unsafe. Last I checked, they seem to be describing themselves.

Now, I've suffered through a lot of these kinds of taxi drivers, especially during the Christmas season. They refuse to let you ride if you don't pay an exorbitant amount on top of the metered fare. Sure, I get that times are tough, but if they're going to take advantage of other people, they're just perpetuating the cycle that caused their life so much misery.

Unless they get it through their thick skulls that they are the problem, nothing is ever going to get solved. It's easy to point fingers at others, but it's easier to solve problems you can control—mainly, yourself.

Any infuriating taxi stories? Let's chew the fat in the comments section! I'm happy to rage out with you :D


To know how to enter, check out the link below

Vote @lukestokes.mhth | @steemgigs as Steemit witnesses!

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