Traffic Koans [Day 21]

This is Day 21 of the 30-day Traffic Koans contest. Details on how to enter can be found here:


Having quit his thankless office job, the fidgety man decided to apply as an on-demand driver. He bought a car and started his new venture.

On the way to a fare, he had to make several detours and navigate through zig-zags because the cars decided to park on both sides of a narrow street.

It took some time, but he eventually arrived. His fare was visibly irritate about the delay, to which he was apologetic.

He went back to the only passable route only to discover that a car had just parked parallel to another parked car. Since the driver had just left the car, the fidgety man decided to honk at her, to which he received only a middle finger in response.

With his fare pressed for time, he decided to just plow through the narrow road, hitting all of the sidemirrors of the parked cars.

The driver ran back to her car screaming. The passenger stayed silent, but was visibly worried. The fidgety man smiled in relief.


I linked to the previous koan because it seems that I should've saved that koan for this traffic violation. Just to be clear, the one I'm pertaining to here is double parking. I know it could get confusing, but again, I've already written something similar previously.

I live in a place where the road sometimes feel like only 1.5 cars could fit at the same time. If you look at the definition of 'narrow' you would find the picture of this street. It's as narrow-minded as people who voted for Tru—wait, you know what? I won't be too political in this post. The reason why it's hard to drive here is that while the road is already narrow, tricycles (the most common transportation around these parts) decided to make the sidestreet their personal parking space.

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But, you said the road was already narrow. How could there be any sidestreets??


I do have to say that they're not the same level of assholes as their jeepney and baby bus comrades, but some of them really don't know how big of a space cars need. Often times they instruct me to just pass because there's enough space, when really that space is just big enough for vehicles like theirs.

This doesn't just involve tricycles or other PUVs, private vehicles aren't excused as well. As a complement to this, double parking only happens when vehicles are illegally parked. So yeah, I guess this is a result of compounded violations.

Any bad experiences regarding this? Let me know in the comments section and you'll have a chance to win a prize :D


To know how to enter, check out the link below

Vote @lukestokes.mhth | @steemgigs as Steemit witnesses!

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