"Greatest Filipino Traditions" #1

"Do what is GOOD, do what is RIGHT, do what is PLEASING before the eyes of God", a remarkable quote for my fellow steemians.


Philippine traditions have merely cultivated from generations to generations. Way back from our ancestors up to this present living, Filipino traditions remains alive always, it broughts us into a big delectation from being a Filipino citizen. One of the consummate acts influence by our Greatest Godfather is by respecting our older ones in the means of "PAGMAMANO", a Filipino term for praising older person by having their hand in our forehead or bowing them. It is one of the greatest practice achieved by us Filipinos.


That's why I applauds to children or Filipino citizens who stays being regardful and continous on supervening good acts of Filipinos. I hope this tradition still remains up to the upcoming generations. We are the one who brought the life of our country so in order to sustain our good traditions, as Filipino, we must advocate the practiced taught us by our forefathers. Unity of ones country is achieved by means of cooperation and respecting one another. We must not break the tie framed by our forefather but rather persist doing it with kindness and devotion. Let us start everything from the basic unit of the community which is our family. "Respect is not for the chosen one but for everyone". Let us be glorious for having this kind of tradition, let us rejoice for giving good traits for everyone not only for co-Filipino but all people around the world and let us salute each of ourselves for loving our country devotedly. I'm a proud Filipino citizen. I know countries have their own traditions in which they can share to everyone and proud to present worlwide. I can't wait to know your traditions too 😊😊.


Have a smile in your face, love in your heart, fine thoughts in your mind and enjoy the rest of the life. Thankyou and Mabuhay!!! 😍😍😍😍
for more information about Philippine traditions just keep on updating my post and dont forget to FOLLOW/RESTEEM/UPVOTE 😉😉

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