— Cryptocurrency Exchange With Minimal Fees — Passive Income, Customizable Interface And Much More

The major appeal of both Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general — apart from the ubiquitous incentive of financial prospects countless investors are driven by — is the fact that they eliminate the need for the middleman who charges fees simply for establishing trust between two parties exchanging value. And while we can all see the tremendous value in a trustless system running on mathematical laws which eliminates middleman, the fact is not entirely correct as in order to get from fiat to crypto we must first go through an intermediary (exchange) to buy our beloved coins. In the process, we still have to deal with a middleman who again charges us various fees for providing the service.

The portion deducted on each trade will vary from exchange to exchange, and it will come in a couple of shapes and sizes. Needless to say, this plays a crucial role in diminishing a major part of the appeal of getting into crypto in the first place.

These fees come in form of: deposit/withdrawal fees, taker/maker fees, fees for buying with credit/debit cards and hidden fees.

This issue is prominent across the board on all exchanges although some make efforts to curb it by sacrificing short-term profits to increase customer satisfaction and build a solid foundation for long-term benefits that come with running a high volume cryptocurrency exchange with a backbone of loyal traders.

Don't get me wrong, fees are somewhat justified because they are necessary means of assuring revenue which makes the business economically viable, I'll never argue that. They are a necessary evil and that's something we should all reconcile with because, at the end of the day, a business is a business and exchanges aren't NGO's so we can't really expect them to run at a loss. What's unjustifiable though, is the exorbitant fees some exchanges charge, with some going as high as 6% for trading, 5% on credit /debit card purchases and absurdly enough, up to 2% withdrawal fees.

The worst part being, I can assure you that a substantial portion of the people paying these outlandish fees — even in comparison with traditional exchanges — are inexperienced and ill-informed traders who unknowingly fall into the trap, consequently hemorrhaging on each trade they make. This could as well be you and to be honest, I was not much different when I first got into crypto.

I ended up paying fees up to 5% — for the convenience of exchanging my native currency for bitcoin — only because the information was conveniently and purposefully, not clearly specified. Depending on where and how much you trade, this lack of proper knowledge could cost you serious money — although it wasn't much of a loss for me considering the amounts I was investing — and it's entirely up to you to inform yourself about the topic which you can to do right here, right now, by going through the remainder of the article.

While expecting exchanges to offer their services completely off charge is absolutely unreasonable, I think most of us will agree that fees in the range of a couple of percents are outrageous and a complete rip off of unsuspecting traders.


Recognizing these and other issues like the steep learning curve normies have to go through in order to get into crypto, one cryptocurrency exchange has set out to offer the lowest possible fees for their users while making trading cryptocurrencies as easy as it is to order a pizza to accompany your Sunday night Netflix binge. is a next-generation cryptocurrency exchange which aims to win onver the hearts of traders by challenging its competitors with its extremely low fees, ease of use, flexible and easily customizable interface, lightning-fast execution and a chance to participate in its economy to consequently earn a passive income by staking the native token of the platform.


The fee schedule on is the following:

Want Low Trading Fees? Look no Further.

  • No deposit fees
  • No maker fees
  • Minimal withdrawal fee
  • Just 0.1% taker fee

This alone should be enticing enough for most crypto enthusiasts to jump ship and start trading on as I'm fairly positive that the exchange they are currently using is probably taking an unnecessary, disproportionately large cut of their hard earned money. I can say that with a good amount of certainty because while I was researching the topic, I couldn't find an exchange which offers regular customers lower fees, making the best place to buy cryptocurrency if you want to pay the least amount of fees in the process.

Although some exchanges like Binance have discounted fees for high-volume traders (100+ btc/month), for our purposes will do the job at a lower cost. Still, Binance is the second-best option — fee-wise — which besides the 0.1% taker fee, charges an additional 0.1% maker fee and withdrawal fee.

Taker fee

Applies when you place an order that is immediately filled in its entirety. Meaning, that the trade order is matched immediately against an order that already exists on the order book.

Maker fee

On the opposite spectrum, maker fees apply on trades which are not matched immediately against orders that already exist on the order book.


The UI, it's clean, well-designed, easy to understand and simple to navigate, making user-experience so intuitive even those who haven't had much experience trading cryptocurrency, won't face any difficulties making their first trades here. There is not much else to write home about the default mode other than the night and moon mode — located in the top right corner — which I found to be really useful, especially the moon mode.

Where things get really interesting though, is the widgets section — again, can be found in the top right corner of the screen — here, we can let our creativity run wild and fully customize our layout by adding a wide variety of different functionalities tailored to our liking.

I didn't change much myself other than adding the news feed — consisting of articles from Cointelegraph, CoinDesk and NewsBTC — to shred minutes of time I would usually spend biting my nails when waiting for a limit order to get filled.

When you are done customizing your layout, it's perfect time to place your first order.

The process is as straightforward as it gets, starting from depositing cryptocurrency into the corresponding built-in wallet — which I think requires no explanation — to placing your very first order on the market. Firstly, select the coin of your preference, click "BUY", punch in the number of coins you wish to purchase, and lastly click "BUY" again to finalize the trade.

It's that easy!

On a more exciting note, let's look into the...

Liquidity Pool

Other than the enticing fee structure and ease of use, another thing that drew my attention when looking into was the liquidity pool. It's a neat addition to the plethora of features which provides a way to turn a profit and earn a passive income, even during the bearish months of the year. By staking at least 2500 TIOx users get to earn a portion of the profit made by the exchange on a daily basis.

Income is paid out on a daily basis whenever the liquidity pool yields a positive return from the utilized loaned TIOx and it can be calculated on site.


The amount earned varies from day to day because it depends upon the total amount of coins that are traded on any given day but from the what I could gather, the potential ROI is up to 9-10% APR, depending on the total amount of TIOx staked. That's not half bad considering what one would get for keeping money in the bank where the return is 3% APR if you are lucky and in some countries, it's even negative, which is ridiculous when you think about it. Not only do you lose a portion of your wealth for lending it to the bank which immediately lends it to someone else to make a profit, but it is also diluted further through ninja-taxes more commonly referred to as inflation (~2% annually depending on where you are from).

Latest listings

The most recent listings are that of $SIDT and $ATOM with the first being a token issued on the Stellar blockchain and the latter a highly sought after native token of the Cosmos blockchain. This is big news for considering the fact that the 15th ranking coin on CMC runs on Cosmos, one of the most anticipated blockchain projects in 2019 — because it was the missing link that would be able to provide interoperability of different blockchains.


In the sea of cutthroat businessman running exchanges inspired by greed and driven solely by profits on the expense of traders, attends this growing problem by rendering the best service possible and charging only a minute fee in comparison to others on the market.

Now that's something to think about when placing your next buy order!

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