Its hard to keep up with all these awesome trades

There were so many trades yesterday,

and I was up till 2am, trying to keep up with all the charts. But im human and fell asleep, so I missed alot of great entries and exits.. Im going to go over the trades that I completed, and im still in a bunch waiting for the bounce.

Let's start with ETH ofcourse:

on Bittrex there was a small base around 228 so I bought a nibble at 211 and 208 on that first dip.. but only got a bounce to 220, so I didnt sell .. this was the first indication that we might crack the 200 major base. And we did and I was jonezing for those sub 200s so I bought a little 195s.. Then we got a quick pop back to 211 so I sold, because the pop was quick and likely we will get some more downside. Sometimes where you get a crack of a major base, if there is no sudden panic drop, you will get a reaction pop.. Then as I slept last night I got some 175s which i sold this morning at 200 base again.. Now we have a clear new base at 170ish :) oh im ready for that drop if it happens and if not, well i created a few new ETH with those profits...


You can see i got nice trades on two of those base cracks/panic dives.. but i missed the last one


a drop to 75s and sold at 90s then a drop to 65s and sold at 76s because i was sleeping when it shot up all the way back to the original base


I missed the first trade, so I really wanted the second one. I got the .00022s but it went all the way down to .00009s as i slept last night.. oh my gosh.. then I sold at the base this morning at .000295s .. was still a beautiful high percentage trade.. but if i wasnt sleeping it could have been a 150% winner


Awesome chart... got the .00022s and didnt sell all in that pop to the base so I didnt get a red sell arrow on my chart (with Coinigy you have to sell your entire order or they dont mark the chart) anyway i sold a little near the base. Then we get the next panic to .00016 and I was able to sell some .000196s.. but im still in the trade, and made a bunch of free coins


The fisrt trade was not so hot.. I missed the pop to the base and was stuck selling it for a tiny profit, then the next trade was awesome.. I got .00032s and sold at .0004350s


not much to explain here :) great trade


Look at all those trades I missed .. Gah.. atleast I really milked the last one

Missed trades


atleast i took the first trade on here but missed the second one..

If I get a chance today, im going to do a quick video and discuss these trades and the trades Im still in and waiting for a bounce.. I hope these charts help everyone to see how much opportunity there is in crypto trading, especially with my style..
Sorry I don't post more, but I've got so many trades going here and in the stockmarket. It get's a little nuts.


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