Trading Journal #14 - CLAM/BTC (Day Trade)

I was able to catch a low enough bottom of this trade around the 11800 level last night, which is always a great thing, but what happened shortly after threw me for a loop.

You see, I was expecting the price to shoot back up (although not necessarily within the next 5 minutes, but definitely within the next 20-30 mins). As you can see that just did not happen.

After an hour or so, price action was just moving sideways until there was a another drop, which prompted me to buy a more larger position that my initial buy.

Realizing now that this particular crypto-pair doesn't respond like others, I put in a sell order for the coins that I purchased on the 2nd buy right near the current resistance level (11913 level) earlier today.

As for the remaining coins from the first purchase, I just decided to close out the trade....basically breaking even.

Thanks for reading!

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