
When I first started trading altcoins, Poloniex was the place to be. They didn't have a huge selection, just about 25 of the top coins based on trade volume. Since then, they have added and removed several coins and markets. At the time of writing this, aside from USD trades, they have a Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero marketplace. More power to you Polo. I have also discovered other exchanges...and use them a LOT more than my one-time favorite Poloniex.

Several problems have arisen recently with Poloniex. Two major ones I cannot agree with and as such, they have fallen very far down on the list of exchanges I frequent. One thing I despise is the speed of site. It has just gotten horrible! It took me almost 45 minutes to make a single trade the other day and that is just not conducive to the hostile markets of cryptocurrency.

My biggest beef as of late though is this...I CANNOT WITHDRAW MY STEEM. They claim the platform needs to update, which is horse doo-doo because I can make a withdrawal from Bittrex and have it in my chosen wallet or sent elsewhere within 5 minutes. Poloniex are the ones that need to get their ducks in a row.

So, now, as you can probably guess, I am using Bittrex and Cryptopia much more. If anyone has a positive experience with other platforms, please let me know!

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