Discovered a New Liquid Pool TRADE:SWAP.HIVE

There's a new token in town. It's called TRADE. Brought to you by @anadolu the creator and financial manege of $CENT token.

To learn more about TRADE TOKEN, check out the post about it.

Not long after the creation of the token, a liquidity pool was created between TRADE and SWAP.HIVE. That means a quick and easy way to swap your SWAP.HIVE for this new TRADE token.

Why Would Anyone Want TRADE?

It may be premature, since the token was just generated. Like many early tokens, the details develop over time. The reason I jumped into the ice-cold pool is because I have watched CENT for many months now and I have never been disappointed.

TRADE is not directly related to CENT (It's a completely different token), but a lot of the economics learned from CENT will be applied with TRADE. It is a part of a Hive-Engine Transactions study, learning from the experiences of what tokens are successful and which fail... and why.

What caught my attention is this:

At least 50% of the income generated will be used for reward distribution/token buyback.

The details of reward distribution and buy back prices are yet to be determined, but the more that are purchased, the greater the rewards are for every investor.

What Would Anyone Do with TRADE?

Early on, there isn't much to "do" with TRADE except to hold it and help @centtoken by participating in the hive-engine transaction study. But there is one thing that can be done immediately that will benefit your ROI: that is to invest in the liquidity pool.

There is currently 18 SWAP.HIVE and 15 TRADE tokens (About $6) in the reward pool. It's super early, so getting a large share is not expensive at all right now.

I chipped in about $8 worth of liquidity and expect at least $0.04 daily rewards for the next YEAR. This may increase as I add more liquidity, or decrease as my slice shrinks with more investors. It's not impossible for the rewards to increase as well to attract more liquidity. Actually, it's expected:

More rewards will be added as new liquidity is added.


As Always, Do Your Own Research

There are always risks involved with any investment and it's the investor's responsibility to do the due diligence to determine whether to invest. This is a very new token and pool, but as many have discovered... the early bird gets the REWARDS.

I want to get the word out ASAP, so potential investors are aware and can make an informed decision.

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