Feto&Reza Zarrab!!! What did we do wrong ?

Our parents told us some stories about the situation before 80s coup. As a summary, there were fight of two ideology, Young generation was seperated as Fanatics of socialists and nationalists. People were killing each other...
I don't want to mess with 80s since I was born in 1980. I have limited knowledge, what I heard from my father, and what I read from some books.

We have been experiencing very interesting periods in Turkey.
We were "decieved" by a group of people, the tool was religion...
And in 15th of July there was a coup attemp.

A group of people used to be very strong in Turkey, leading by Fetullah Gülen, so called religous leader, they raised many children from their schools, and those poor childs became business man, judge, prosecutor, soldier, politican...
They occupied all strategic and critical positions.

What did we do wrong ?
This group was very welcomed and respected by the conservative population of Turkey.

AKP government and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was "deceived" by this people and put many innocent Kemalist (who follow the route of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) into jail by fake trials. So all critical points were left in hands of those people.

AKP and that group was so bonded to each other, even now they are having some difficulties to clean out from this.

What did we do wrong ?
Again and Again we were "deceived". Now Reza Zarrab so called business man deceived us.
The tool was money.

Now he is in a court where there are accusations of Money laundering / gold smuggling / breaking of Iran embargo...
There were claims that he gave 45-50 million euro bribe to former ecomony minister to use Turkey banks in his flow of money to Iran.
He suppose to sit on the defendant chair bt right now he is testyifing, and he is ready to sell his Turkish friends. And probably he will cause our nation all trouble....

What did we do wrong ?
Long story short, we should take our precautions, we should think before we act and the most important, we should not be "deceived" again or it can be to late to reverse...

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