How to Handle Toxic People

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Warning Beware of Toxic People

Who are these toxic people we are referring to? Do you know some toxic people? Even if you don't now, at some point in your life you are bound to have come across a person who fits the description. You may have encountered them in the workplace, at school, at the supermrket, in the televison, in the community and even at home. Just recently we had our seminar about how to handle toxic people and I love to share it here.

Person with attitude problems are sometimes referred to as toxic people. You can easily identify this personalities through the character or attitudes shown. Here are the list of character or attitudes that might be helpful to consider one:

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They are manipulative

They like to manipulate people in their hands just like playing and spinning a yoyo. They will use your weaknesses to manipulate you. They will make you do the things in favor of him/her.

You don’t owe anybody anything. If it doesn’t feel like a favour, it’s not.

They are self-centered

They only think of themselves. They think they are in the right position, they think they are in the right track and think that they are always correct. They never consider your side.

If there are any chance to talk with them, talk with them but never go below their level of thinking. If you think you are right then speak for your own sake. Never ever make a step to please them if ever they are angry without any reasons. It's a trap already.

They take no responsibility for their own feelings

Rather than owning their own feelings, they’ll act as though the feelings are yours. It’s called projection, as in projecting their feelings and thoughts onto you. For example, they got angry with you but because he/she doesn't like to be blame for the action, they will project the feeling of being angry to you. Ending would be you are to blame for causing the conflicts because you find yourself defending and justifying for the accusation.

You don’t have to explain, justify or defend yourself or deal with a misfired accusation.

They don't apologize

Like what I said, they think they are on the right track so they don't admit they are wrong and will never ever apologize for anything even if it is clearly their fault.

Some people don't like to argue further, it has always been my personalities. I rather would say sorry than asking for someone to give me their apology. And this is what I learn, to never ever surrender the truth, only stop the argument. Just move forward- without them.

They are inconsistent

Toxic people get you confuse of their decisions. They always change their principles for the sake of everybody's favor.

Never believe in their promises or statement which you agreed upon. It might change tomorrow. Just listen to them but never leave any comment about it.

They make you prove yourself to them

They will put you to a situation of choosing between them and other things and will obliged you to choose them. You will be left without any choice but to choose them to prove your worth to them.

You always have the right to say no. Make your decision worth for yourself not worth for anybody else.

They are judgemental

Toxic people are always the source of "chismis". They spread unwanted issues about you. They are difficult to deal with. They make the situation worst. They make the story different from the actual scene.

Be careful not to take with them or make any conversation that seems to be confidential with them.

Dealing with such an individual can be difficult and draining, it may challenge what you know about yourself and push you to the limits. So be careful on your surrounding. If you think you come across with these people you know already how to handle them. If you think you always been caught in conflict, reflect upon these:


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