Every Exclusive Province Attraction in Indonesia

Discuss about the beauty of Indonesia's nature is never ending. From sabang to merauke has its natural charm. In total there are 34 provinces and 17000 islands in Indonesia. All places have different natural beauty. there is a mountain. Beaches, lakes, forests, rivers, waterfalls and so forth. Here are the leading tourist attractions in Indonesia.


Every Exclusive Province Attraction in Indonesia

Discuss about the beauty of Indonesia's nature is never ending. From sabang to merauke has its natural charm. In total there are 34 provinces and 17000 islands in Indonesia. All places have different natural beauty. there is a mountain. Beaches, lakes, forests, rivers, waterfalls and so forth. Here are the leading tourist attractions in Indonesia.

Sumatera island

Sumatra island has a lot of provinces. From aceh to lampung. In each province has a lot of tourist attraction. For example in aceh there sabang and weh island. As a point of zero kilometer Indonesia. Toba lake, cyanok gorge, kampar river, anambas, and many others are also in Sumatra. On the island of Sumatra, you can find beaches, mountains, forests and more. even the beauty of the beach is not less with the beach in eastern Indonesia. In the province of Sumatra, also many historical tours. Even you visit to bengkulu to see rafflesia arnoldi flowers. Sebagia the largest flower in the world.

Java Island

Java Island is the most populous island in Indonesia. In every province it has an enchanting natural charm. Seeing rhinoceros can visit the tip of kulon banten. Which in the area of ​​jakarta, can see beautiful beaches in the thousand islands. in bandung, there are a million attractions that must be visited. Especially in central Java is also not less beautiful. It will not be enough time a week to visit all the tourist attractions in Java. Moreover, many new attractions are opened.

Kalimantan island

The leading tourist attraction in Indonesia, should not miss the island of Borneo. There are so many hidden paradises here. Moreover, who likes to roam the forest. Various kinds of rare flora and fauna live on the island of Borneo. There is a national park headland nipple, equator monument, derawan and many more. you will feel different tour in kalimantan.

Bali Island and Lombok Island

Compared to other islands, the island of Bali is indeed the most famous. Every day hundreds of tourists come to visit the island of Bali. there are beaches, mountains, lakes and shopping tours. All things you can find on the island of Bali. will feel at home for long stay here. In addition it is close to the island of lombok, which has a stunning underwater beauty

Sulawesi island

The island of sulawesi is famous for its cool underwater beauty. There are so many beautiful snorkeling spots. there is wakatobi, togean archipelago national park. Bunaken and many others. there are so many hidden paradises, that will make you more love with indonesian nature.

Island of Papua

The island of papua is one of the largest in Indonesia. Natural papua is still very natural. there are many tribes that maintain the nature of Papua well. not much construction of tall buildings. so its natural beauty is still well preserved. here too there are many beautiful sights. there is a lake sentani, king of amphitheater, and many others.

Discussing the leading tourist attraction in Indonesia is never ending. Because there are so many beautiful and fascinating sights. Will make you more love with Indonesia. Always keep the nature of Indonesia well. so that our children and grandchildren can still see the natural charm of Indonesia.

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