Come to Aceh Now

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Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport

Aceh is a place worth visiting by everyone. This beautifully landscaped area of ​​culture and nature holds many secrets that can be used as writing material, experience and scientific literacy. Aceh also keeps the history of the world.

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Baiturrahman Mosque - Banda Aceh

Travel to Aceh can be directly from Malaysia, Singapore, Medan and Jakarta by using airplanes. You will land at Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport in Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar. When you land you can use Trans Kutaraja bus transportation to Banda Aceh by direct route to the tourist point in Banda Aceh or passing the tourist points.

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The Complex to Eat the Kings of Aceh-Banda Aceh

The accommodation facilities are quite good here, as well as with the cellular and internet networks. Up in Banda Aceh you can enjoy many sights like the Tsunami Museum, the historic Heritage of Aceh, the Baiturrahman Mosque, Ulhee Lheue Beach, and many others.

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Tomb of Sultan of Aceh; Sultan Iskandar Muda - Banda Aceh

You can also enjoy Aceh coffee with a variety of flavors in all coffee shops that open from morning until midnight at a price of one glass that does not need to spend much money. Overnight or two nights in Banda Aceh will give you a special impression for you to spend the holidays, then to the exotic island of Sabang, or to Central Aceh for 8 hours by bus or by plane which takes only a few minutes. In Central Aceh you can feel the cool and beautiful scenery of Lake Lut Tawar, while enjoying arabica coffee in its coffee garden.

Pulau Weh Sabang

Aceh still has many beautiful sights, the western to southern coast and the mountain scent of Mount Lauser Southeast Aceh with its challenging rafting and traditional music performances throughout Aceh.

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Museum Tsunami

What are you waiting for. Go to Aceh even if the money in your pocket is only enough for one or two months, because the price of your needs is twice lower than your habit of living in your country.

Lake Lut Tawar Takengon (Central Aceh)

In the year 2018 many cultural events in the title in Aceh, including the Aceh Culture Week (PKA-7) and the festival Rapai International 2 and various other art attractions.

Author: Rahmad Sanjaya

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