A system systemically rigged in favour of white old Etonian Oxbridge fuckers.


If you'd gone back in time and told the Tory party that in 2022 three of the top 6 candidates would be POC and four would be women? they'd have had a conniption. Its a pity everyone's policy is culture wars, hard Brexit, tax cuts and transphobia.

I do wish political vison was something people valued in that country rather than tub thumping their base. Or any vision really, rather than naked ambition.

Labour fetishises working class to mean manual labour and trades rather than 'low pay'. Many of the people I know aren't working class in the traditional way of thinking, and many working class areas voted heavily for Brexit, for Thatcher and for Johnson. Go back a few years and a union driven labour party was extremely anti-immigration because they saw it as driving wages down.

People in power do no end of self actualising shit at other peoples expense. its just that it was most often white guys in Europe. And then America.

But all over the world pre-colonial societies were also doing bad shit.

People on the left. People on the right. Kings, queens, Emperors, communists, dictators, post colonial darlings. I've watched them all fuck over other human beings for their own personal and political gain. And I've watched people whose politics I despise learn humility and perpetrate acts of kindness.

What I will say is, entropy retrenches evil. If we don't always fight evil the system will re-establish itself through inaction, like a rubber band snapping back into place. Left to its own devices a CIShet straight white patriarchy will reassert itself.

For eternity.

And you and I would benefit from that, regardless of whether we oppose it or not. And lets face it, we have all just watched a pathological womaniser and liar, a cheat in everything, the most immoral and reprehensible toad in toad hall be elected beyond his competence and sit there like the fucking sun king for three whole years doing fuck all except worrying about his wallpaper, hosting parties and cosplaying Churchill while the rest of us died.

So I can't fault a guy who says the system is systemically rigged in favour of white old Etonian oxbridge fuckers.

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