Weclome to what constitutes the concrete jungle here

Welcome to Toronto my friends! A melting pot of everything you can think of and or would rather not. A glorious city of history,IMG_20150907_134112.jpg
(Who could possibly forget the mighty fall of Conrad)
Stores that never close yet sell stuff no one ever seems to use,IMG_20141109_160717.jpg
(I've lived here for years and never seen anyone remotely dressed like this)![IMG_20140614_000536.jpg]
And enough street furniture you could open your own second hand store reselling them.()
(And before you ask yes people do that, I think this is a desk I threw out years ago re-appearing again on the sidewalk)

But we all like it anyway.

So please follow along and see what everyone outside Canada thinks is the capitol of Canada is all about through the eyes of me, BuddyCat! FullSizeRender.jpg
And my buddy and cleaner of litter Andrew (he's camera shy but you'll see him pop in now and again)
I'll handle the home front and he'll keep you posted on what's going on outside, so lift your horrifically overpriced hipster beer and lets have some fun shall we?


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