Renting in Toronto

Hey all, BuddyCat here

So remember the days when a person would look upon a home, and after gazing on its pristine design, the hand carved doorways, the intricate tile work, the hours upon hours of loving care one would put into turning something from a house to a home?

Yeah well, that doesn't exist in Toronto anymore.

You see, the way the rental markets work here is that rather then rent a house for lets say 3000, they'll slice it up robbing it of all uniqueness and character and transform it into a harrowing monstrosity that would make it's original designer roll over in their grave. Assuming they weren't permanently cemented into position so they could build some condos over their plot.

So now they can rent four units at 1500 a pop and double their profits! I know that this is common practice these days, but I always like to think that Toronto was the first.

Well, Buddy human guy doesn't mind since he works all the time and is out a lot. But one thing he doesn't seem to appreciate is the incredible shoe string budget that this place must have been renovated with. Paper thin walls so that the upstairs neighbours piano practice sessions are heard crystal clear, and I'm telling you right now that nothing lets you know how alive you are then listening to the same four bars of the same song repeated consecutively for two hours a day everyday for months on end....


Good ol' Toronto...

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