My TOP FIVE 2020 secrets for increased Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Rationality, and POWER

1. Cold Showers/breathing techniques

This is probably the easiest to do on the list. I follow the Wim Hof Method.
You just have a cold shower everyday, in-between, before, after, or instead of a hot shower. The breathing comes natural as reaction to the cold. You just gotta master the breathing, and hold your breath. You can use and perform the breathing outside of cold showers.

Your bod gets alkalized and all sorts when you do this process. I've noticed that my yoga flexibility doesn't vanish like it used to since starting cold showers. When I started I had an aversion to the cold, within a week I was really starting to like it. Now I love it. Feels good man. Your body adapts, it gets your metabolism going, making you warmer, and boosts growth hormone, testosterone, etc and all sorts. My running and stamina is faster than ever with great intervals between running not seeming to impact performance much/at all, like with the yoga flexibility. It just shocks your body into staying ready to rumble essentially.

Cold showers are essentially the number one drug on the block.

2. John Vervaeke's Awakening from the Meaning Crisis

If you love philosophy, cognitive science, etc, then you'll love this. It is ground breaking work, split apart in 50 one hour episodes and several discussions.

Watching this will enhance your rationality powers.

3. NGF/Stacking

I've started exploring stacking within the confines of Nootropics. I've started with Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), using stacking of multiple supplements in perfect combinations and measurements to gain exponential increase.
Hericium erinaceus/Lion's Mane is a mushroom which can boost NGF. By combining/stacking it with other supplements its NGF boosting capabilities can be exponentially boosted.
This new /old concept of medicine is exciting.

'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.' - Hippocrates

It will be interesting to see what sort of cheap nootropics we can create using what already exists. My mood has been excellent since taking the NGF stack, I've felt more energy, and have done a lot more mental and physical tasks.
My current stack is 6 mushroom complex, bonus Lion's Mane, Vit B Complex, Vit D. I'm also on Resveratrol and Co Enzyme Q10.
I'm going to take it to the next level soon with the NGF stack, and see what kind of exponentiating I can do utilising non-market drugs amongst other stuff.

4. Physio as a basis for training

Physiotherapy techniques are associated with recovering from an injury. I picked up a bunch of physio moves and combined it with yoga/pilates and some other stuff, infusing it into my life.
You should view Physio as Mechanic's work, like you are improving and fine tuning a vehicle.
Doing physio moves, makes you way stronger and faster. Gymnasium means to get naked, but we don't get naked and look at each others bods any more. This is why bringing physio techniques into your training is important. Form is more important than weight or reps, and physio allows you to pursue super form, cementing a more solid structure.

5. Shaolin Kung Fu (Horse Pose Side Punches)

I know many jutsus, but had always ignored Shaolin. I recently gave it a go, and ended up incorporating Horse Pose, and doing side punches into my training. Punching in horse pose, means that you twist your full body, as opposed to a regular standing punch, where you barely twist at all, up only form the hips.
Horse Pose gives you solid strength, and the Shaolin horse pose punches, develop your through full twists and bigger movements, so when you punch while standing normally, you are way faster and stronger. It's great for the hips also.

After I first practiced this technique, I could not comprehend where my hand was when I punched. It had already returned to me every time I set out to strike I had become that fast.

There is no particular order to this list.

Hope you enjoyed. I'll be working on experimenting and perfecting my training, hopefully learning some new secrets this year.

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

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