The Only Economy with No Debt: Bitcoin. Just a few additional facts too.


I had a lot of respectable opinions thrown at me in the years vs the anti-bitcoin camp. This is how I deflated all their wall-engraved choices. From where I'm sitting its nice and success but this is what I remember best during my discussion with them.

So you say I invested in mining hardware. That's debt.

  • Bitch that was a hobby, my choice of fun and expense. Sorry it turned a profit for others and that you didn't.

Screenshot-2018-2-15 bubbles - Google Search.png

Its a bubble cause banks say so and the TV news networks. So you say it's a bubble?

  • Bubbles get larger then larger and larger then pop re-joining the liquid the air gas came from.

  • Bitcoin is a Crypto Math Volcano, not a bubble, its building Crypto Land Mass. Sorry you can't math that hard.

Screenshot-2018-2-15 volcano - Google Search.png

It was a computer political banking program experiment solution to fractional reserve banking and double spending.

  • What a glorious outcome it was.

  • It proved it could do a few things it was coded to do.

  • Its value affect fixing a problem. Economist know any geopolitical solution are full of financial prosperity to all individuals involved first.

The governments will outright ban it.

  • People vote for those who suggest to ban it. They remember what side you affiliated with in your votes. Unless its a monarchy dictator, you can affect a lot of laws and political positions given a time-frame.

The news said its what criminals use to do illegal activity.

  • People post facts with some verification sources not like CNN, NBC, ABC you know fake stream media FUD.

  • Fiat money is used illegally all the time even now. Apples and Oranges. Kettle meet pot.

Banks know and hire educated people who lawfully follow with this consensus;

  • Bitcoin is protected by Freedom of Expression.

  • Banks can enact their Freedom of Speech.

  • Banks print (expression), lend their product(paper fiat currency), imprint on those dollars(advertisement expression), and can not accept the fact Bitcoin has the same "RIGHTS".

  • Trading & Bartering is by Consensus determined by value. No Individual can say or express they are the ONLY CHOICE FOR VALUE. Sorry its the people who decide that, that's plural. That why countries go to war and peace is only the time barter till the next democide.

  • Remember the Boston Tea Party....? They didn't ask for permission to say "We don't want your taxes lower them." Imagine if it was them saying "Pay us more to drink tea." Same outcome right? Both are a leverage against the birth of USA by collusion am I wrong?

  • Bitcoin was created the same way who you gonna go to in the world and ask "Hey this is the future of money will you use it...?" Using our Freedom of Expression protects us. Tax? You can pay your Tax with your own Money. Bitcoin don't tax its miners, it only taxes those who do transactions to pay the MINERS. Real world Taxing bitcoin is pure Extortion.

And finally our most favorite:
It has no intrinsic value in matter.

  • Bitch you learned to use math right? Didn't a synapse spark in your brain to tell your left and right side to use the muscles in your jaws to cooperate with your lungs to speak "It has no intrinsic value" in your spoken language? So your telling me you don't value that "Spark of Energy" in your brain?

Then enjoy being with your group of "No intrinsic value" Discrimination Party. We who embraced the experiment of Bitcoin don't need to trade and barter with you. We respect all "Sparks of Synapse" over here that can do 1+1 and know there isn't enough iron or energy on earth to hack a satoshi on the blockchain. Feel free to let the Central banks steal from you for how many more years they have left before they force you to accept bitcoin though their fud, lowbuys, shills, until you realized they +1up on you again.

Get some balls and grab some Starpower Bitcoins like Mario might of been if all that block breaking our little plumber did since 1980 had blockchain technology value and was trackable, tradeable, usable, not lost.

While they are still bouncing around off the blockchain before 21,000,000 are found.

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