Have You Heard About The "TOO NUTS" Show Yet?


Silver Bullion & All!



The "TOO NUTS" show!

If you are wondering about what this is all about, then read on.

If you are too serious and feel that you are not interested in having a few laughs and enjoying your time here, then read on anyway, because you may just convert over from the dark side!




The main host is: @enginewitty

This is the caped crusader of the Steemian Discord channels, he has been known by many a name, mostly all for his sexy looks and ability to win over the hearts of all out there!

For those who don't yet know of him, go check out his wall and see just how much love he shares around and how nutty he really is.

But seriously, hehehehee I said "but" get it, like it sounds like "butt" as in "rear end of the human body".


Enough of that now, back to promoting the show, as the old saying goes, "The show must go on".

Ohhh yeah and btw, the show is all about anything and everything.

People hanging out, having a good time, mucking around, practically no limits as far as topics go. Almost everything is acceptable. But (OMG there I go again with the "Butt") ohhhh this is definitely not going to be an easy post to write or anything, way too many distractions.

The topics discussed during the show can range from crypto all the way to Madonna's crazy cone bra from back in the day.

You know the one I'm talking about, if not, well, I'll just force myself here to make sure everyone including me, sees it:

I bet you all thought I was gonna put up a photo of her in the bra, yeah right, like she has anything to hide anyway, go Google it yourselves, I'm not getting any cyber cooties on my computer by looking up that kind of stuff!

Now here comes the best part of the show:

Guess who his nutty sidekick is?

No, it's not anyone famous or sexy, because you know how the stars of the shows like things, they want to be the sexiest studs in the movie.

Yep, it's me. @jackmiller

jackmiller LOGO NB seal of approval 100x100.png

The only thing I can't guarantee is "Who is NUTTIER"?

So you see, just when you thought it couldn't get any nuttier than what it is, this proves you wrong.

What can I say? IDK.

Perfectomundo if you ask me!

Had to throw this song in there!

So, now that you know all the important stuff here's the other stuff you need to know:


In THE ALLIANCE Discord server.

Note: If you don't know how to get there, ask someone for directions, no GPS here!


Every Tuesday @ 4p.m. CST/10 p.m. UTC.

Note: figure it out, I still don't get all this timezone mumbo jumbo.

Now lets get the word out onto the streets among us Steemians, so resteem this post and share this link to ten friends via any social media out there.

If you do this, you will be blessed with eternal nuttiness without any hope of finding a cure!


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